Status: ;D Lets take this one day at a time, shall we? xovictoria



The next few days went by awkwardly. Sometimes I’d catch him looking at me. As soon as I’d notice he’d avert his gaze. Today, I’m changing that. I’m going to try to talk to him. Only twenty minutes into class and I’ve already gotten a migraine due to florescent lights and stupid unwanted mind reading. Maybe I’ll be able to block them someday. I think mother could. I wish she were here. Anyways, next period I’m next to him, I’ll make my move then.

I sat down by the only person who ever confronted me about my… being. The only person to whom I’d denied that claim. I voiced a hello as I sat. He faintly mumbled under his breath, not even looking up.

“Dude, what’s the hell is your problem?” I couldn’t help but to say louder than I really should have. He faced me. Looking at me with his beautiful eyes, the color blue- electrifying, he actually spoke to me.

“After school,” he raised his eyebrows, “find me.” The bell rang as if on cue.

I didn’t see him again the whole day. After school I called dad. I informed him about my being home late and that I’d be walking home from school. I didn’t wait for him to reply before shutting the phone with a crack. Then he was there. Neptune. He didn’t need to use words; I knew what he had to say by the look in his eyes. It said come. He led my away from the school. We walked on opposite sides of the road. It wasn’t until we reached the skirts of the town when we slowed down. He crossed to my side of the street and took lead. We went onto a hiking trail. I could already hear the river. But that was it. That’s all I heard. No thoughts. Confused I took a seat under a rubber tree lining along the river.

“Yes?” I got the courage to be the first to break the silence.

“Why did you lie to me?” the words came back like an automatic reply. He had been asking himself this question, repeatedly. That question was one to be ignored, she decided. Best policy is to act confused and surprised. Maybe he’ll give up.

“Don’t pretend to act surprised. You know exactly what I’m talking about” he faced relaxed a tad. Why keep pretending? I’d rather play along.

I said exactly what I was thinking.
“Why can’t I read your mind?” A smirk crossed his face. After a moment or two he dropped the smirk, but the amusement still hid in this eyes.

“You’ll have to figure that out.” Eyes half shut I sat there trying to imagine. I couldn't come up with anything. I stood.

"I have no idea."

"Good" Net smiled, a smile that could melt me. "My car's this way."
Seeing the confusion on my face he explained "Less traffic parking here".
Shrugging he reached down and got his keys from the pocket of his black jeans. A faint clicking noise sounded. He led me to his blue-black Dodge Viper, opened the door for me to slid onto the leather seat, and ran to the other side to slip in the drivers seat.

"Where to?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys for being slow adding. The next chapter will be up tomorrow. You'll see then what happens..
Thanks for reading, feedback, everything. Good luck predicting. ;)