Status: ;D Lets take this one day at a time, shall we? xovictoria



He slammed the car door.
“And this,” he smirked, opening the door to the passenger’s side, “Would be my house. Now come on, I need to introduce you to someone.”
I stared at him, hoping that he couldn’t tell that my nerves just grew from being slight to extremely nervous. Who was he bringing me to meet? He took my hand and led me up his driveway. Behind his cabin there was a fairly large lake that shimmered with hues of blue and green. The drive here wasn’t too long. It probably isn’t too far from my own house. We treaded up the wooden steps and he led me through the threshold.

“Aunt Grace,” he called loudly. Not a second passed before a calm voice replied.

“In here, honey,” we walked in the direction of the disembodied voice.

We found her in the library. A large room filled with books, maps, and all types of things overlooking the lake. She was looking out at the lake. Clearly in deep thought, although I couldn’t them. She quickly snapped out of her trance. I decided to introduce myself.

“Hi. I’m,” she finished my sentence.

“Emery,” and gave me a sweet smile. I glanced at Net; he raised his eyebrows at me. A few seconds passed before we sat on the velvet sofa, opposite of his aunt. She glanced back to the lake.

“Honey, care for some tea?” her eyes came back to meet mine. Her deep thoughts appeared to be lifted, she had figured something out. I remembered that I don’t know what to call his aunt. Is it his mom’s last name or his dads, I guess I’ll ask

“Yes ma’am,” she stood.

“Oh, you can call me Trudy, “she said walking away.I cocked my head to the side, confused. He caught this.

“Oh, she can mind read also,” he said as if it was obvious.

“Wow, thanks for telling me,” I snapped.

“Well, I did now,” he looked at me, blue eyes sad and confused. My anger was instantly lifted.
Why is it that he could do this to me? Change my emotions. I’d never experience it before.
We stared at each other, both oblivious to each others being.

“How is it that she can read my mind but I can’t read hers?”

“Practice,” was his one-word answer. He averted his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Crappy, I know.Filler
I had a serious case of writers block for a while.. Which explains the 'long-time, no update..' But whatever, I think I'm back. ;D