

Simone got up off her bed and turned down the TV. She continued past the small bathroom and unlocked the deadbolt. Pulling the door toward her, she looked into a pair of blue eyes. "Is there something you need, Jordan?"

"I never need anything," he commented, brushing past her and into the hotel room. He plopped down on the bed and turned the channel to a hockey game.

"Right," she muttered, shaking her head. She closed the door and made her way to the bed. Sitting beside Jordan, who had stretched himself out on the bed, she grabbed the remote from his hand and turned the channel back to its previous station.

"Hey!" Jordan tried to grab the remote back, but Simone hopped off the bed. "I was watching that."

"My room, my channel." Simone smirked.

"Oh, really?" Jordan raised an eyebrow as a suspicious smile appeared on his face.

Simone sent her blonde friend a look. "I will kick you out of my room if you follow through with your thought."

"You wouldn't be able to get me out," Jordan laughed.

"I have connections." Simone shrugged and returned to her spot on the bed. "Now, be quiet. I'm trying to watch this."

Jordan looked at the TV to find her watching the news. He was about to complain when the sports came on. "Perfect timing."

Simone rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the screen. She watched the highlights for the New Jersey Devils versus the New York Rangers, smiling when she found out that, although Jordan's brother had scored a goal, the Devils still won. "That was a very impressive goal by Marc. Why can't you pull of something that amazing?" She joked.

Jordan shot her a glare before focusing on the highlights for the game between the Edmonton Oilers and the Vancouver Canucks. The reporter was giving his play-by-play for the Oilers' game winning goal. "Unfortunately, the celebration after the goal didn't last long as star forward, Jordan Eberle, collapsed to the ice. Medical staff from both benches rushed out onto the ice within seconds of the incident."

The reporter's voice seemed to get quieter, as Simone sat, open mouthed, staring at the television. Questions were flying through her thoughts at lightning speed. What happened? Was he okay? Where was he now? She wanted to find a way to contact him, but she knew she couldn't do something like that.

"Simone, are you ok?" Jordan's voice broke through her thoughts. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

She looked at Jordan and blinked a few times. "What happened?" Her voice seemed fragile.

"What happened to what?" Jordan asked, confused.

"What happened to the Oiler?" Simone asked.

"Eberle?" Jordan clarified.

Simone nodded and glanced back at the TV.

"They said that he is ok," Jordan told her. "He woke up a few hours ago and is in good condition. I think they said something about being stressed. Why? Do you know him?"

"I was just wondering," Simone shrugged. "I guess I was just a bit shocked that someone as healthy as a hockey player fainted. Promise me that you will never do something like that."

Jordan chuckled. "I promise. Now, let's go get some food. The rest of the team is in the restaurant."

Simone nodded and rose from the bed. She grabbed her purse and shoved her feet into a pair of sneakers, before following Jordan downstairs to the hotel restaurant. She slid into an empty seat between Kris and Max, while Jordan took the seat across the table between Sidney and Tyler.

"Es-tu bien?" Kris leaned toward to whisper in her ear. "Tu es pâlissez."

Nodding her head, Simone glanced at the French-Canadian. She gave him a weak smile, before turning her attention to the conversation going on around them. She noticed Jordan give her a questioning look that she ignored.

"I get that he was stressed, but really, stressed enough to faint? Is that even possible?" Tyler's commented.

"It's obviously possible," Max said. "Why would that doctor's say that he fainted because of stress if it wasn't possible?"

"Maybe they are covering the real reason?" Tyler suggested.

It took a few minutes for Simone to figure out who they were talking about.

"You would think that with someone his age they would be helping him with relieving the stress," Sidney added. "I mean everyone gets stressed. I know I sure do, but I've never fainted. I found a way to relieve my stress."

The rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

"How long do you think he'll be out?" Jordan asked.

"Who knows?" Max shrugged. "Probably not too long, unless he has a concussion."

"Can we stop talking about it?" Simone asked, her voice close to a whisper.

"You ok, ma belle?" Max asked, turning to look at her.

"I'm great," Simone replied. "It's just that all this talk about injuries is making me want to go sit with Coach B."

Max chuckled and nodded. "In that case, let's talk about something else. How about your job?"

Simone rolled her eyes and shook her head before taking a bite of her sandwich.
♠ ♠ ♠
Es-tu bien? - Are you good?
Tu es pâlissez - you are pale