

She sat, watching her friends warm-up. Her seat was five rows up from behind the net. She always preferred to sit behind the net. High enough that she could see the rest of the ice, but still low enough to see every single stop Marc-Andre made. She was glad that after the rough season he had a couple years back, the team had kept him. It was known by most that the team had faith in him and when he was having a rough time, they were there to help.

She was separated from her thoughts when Marc-Andre's girlfriend, Vero, sat down beside her and handed her a coffee.

"Thanks," she smiled, taking the paper cup from Vero's hand.

"Hey, no problem. It has two cream, just so you know," Vero told her. "I figured you could use a pick me up. You seemed a little out of it last night at supper."

"I tried not to be," Simone said. "I just couldn't get the picture of Jordan fainting out of my head."

Vero nodded. "Do you know him?"

Simone looked away from the girl beside her.

She felt Vero's had touch her shoulder. "You do know him!"

"You can't tell anyone," Simone pleaded.

"I won't," Vero assured her. "How do you know him?"

Simone sighed, looking down into her lap. "I grew up in Regina. The same place that Jordan played when he was in the WHL. We went to the same high school and were instant friends." She raised her head to look at Vero. "When we graduated, I left to pursue a career in international business. He had been drafted, too. For some reason, I knew that our friendship wouldn't survive. After I left and he got drafted, we just stopped communicating. I wish we hadn't, but there wasn't much I could do."

Vero studied the red haired girl. She knew Simone was doing her best not to cry. "So, no-one on the team knows that you two were friends?" Simone shook her head. "What aren't you telling me, Simone?"


"I can tell there is something you aren't telling me. Now spill."

Again, Simone sighed. She filled Vero in on her trip to Edmonton for business and how she had seen and talked to her old best friend.

"Why didn't you tell him it was you?" Vero asked, bewildered.

"Do you really think that would have gone over well?" Simone asked her friend. "He probably would have thought I was some fan girl wanting to get in his pants or something."

"Maybe, or maybe he was waiting for you to say something so that he wouldn't feel like an idiot if it wasn't you."

"I don't know, but it's in the past now." Just as she finished her sentence, Simone's phone started to ring. She pulled it out of her purse and looked at the caller id. "I don't know this number," she said. "Do you know who this is?" She showed the phone to Vero.

"No," Vero said, shaking her head. "But you should answer it before they hang up."

Simone nodded and hit the green button before raising the device to her ear. "Hello?"