

“Uh, hi.” His voice was shaky and his palms were sweaty.

“Can I ask who this is?”

“Oh, right. We met a few weeks ago, at a club in Edmonton.” She heard him take in a deep breath and waited for him to continue. “So, I know it’s probably super weird that I called, especially after this long, but I’ve been having a rough time this week and well I just needed someone new to talk to. You must think I’m insane. Some random guy calls you up and starts ranting about nothing and you can’t decide whether to hang up or stay on the line and listen to him talk. I totally understand if you hang up, I mean, I probably would if someone I didn’t know called me up and-”

“Jordan.” Her voice broke him out of his rant.

“Wait, what?” He took the phone away from his ear briefly to make sure he hadn’t called Lindsay. “How do you know my name?”

“That’s irrelevant,” she said after a few seconds. “You need to relax though. I can barely understand you when you are rambling on like that. No calm down and tell me why you called me.”

Jordan ran a hand down his face as he tried to think of a good reason for calling her. He couldn’t tell her that he had been watching for her everywhere he went, that would just freak her out. “I called to see if you were willing to listen to my problems. I know that it’s lame and you are probably wondering why I’m not talking to one of my friends. Truth is, I just need someone different to talk to. You know, someone who isn’t going to tell you that everything will work itself out in the end or that things happen for a reason.”

“What if that is all I am able to tell you?”

“Somehow, I doubt that.” Jordan mumbled, and then something donned on him. “You’re probably busy though. I shouldn’t have called. I’m sorry I wasted your time.”

“It’s ok, really. I’m just at a hockey game with a friend of mine. We are watching her boyfriend’s team play their rivals.” Jordan heard a buzzer go off in the background. “And the opposition just scored.” He smiled when he heard her giggle lightly. “Is it alright if I call you later on tonight, maybe after the game is done?”

“Yea, sure,” Jordan said. “Do you want my number?”

“It’s on my phone,” she replied. “I’ll call in a few hours, seeing as the game just started.”

“Thank-you,” Jordan said, a smile spreading across his face. “I’ll talk to you later then.”

“For sure.”

He hung up the phone and leaned back against the back of the park bench. He started to get worried. What if she didn’t call him? What if he just made a huge mistake by calling her? What was Taylor going to say when he found out? Sighing, he stood from the bench and crossed the street. He knew he had to get home before Taylor decided to play doctor and check-up on him.