

As the minutes turned to seconds, the end of the game seemed to come faster than either girl had expected. Simone followed Vero to the dressing room and waited outside the room. She figured it was going to be sometime before they got the 'ok', so she pulled out her phone and redialed the number that had appeared on it just hours before. Bringing the device to her ear, she waited three rings before hearing a man greet her.

"Ok, so I'm free now, what is it you wanted to talk about?" She ran a hand through her hair, waiting for his reply.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" the man asked.

"You called me like three hours ago," Simone tried.

"Oh, Jordan must have called you." She could hear the man chuckle. "He's just making a sandwich or snack or something; he shouldn't be too long. Do you want him to call you back?"

"How about you just stay on the line with me until he's finished? That way we aren't playing phone tag."

"Sure, I can do that." He paused. "So, what's your name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"That's why I'm asking."

"Tell me yours and I'll think about telling you mine."

"You drive a hard bargain. What happens if I tell you my name, but you never tell me yours?"

"I guess you'll continue to wonder what my name is, or maybe Jordan will tell you once he knows."

"Are you saying he doesn't know who you are?" The man sounded in disbelief.

"He knows exactly who I am. I doubt he remembers me though." She could imagine the man nodding his head at this statement. "Do we have an agreement or not?"

"I'm going to have to say that we don't. If I don't know your name, you don't know mine."

"That sounds like a good plan." Simone heard the locker room door open and a hand pull her toward the room. "Tell me, Mr. No-Name, how was your day today?"

"Let's see, I shoved some kid into the street, ran over an old lady and shoplifted a pair of sunglasses. Seems like a pretty normal day to me."

"I see, so Jordan's friends are strangely similar to the ones he had when he was younger."

"What's that?"

"Murderers and thieves."

"I was joking. Wait, how do you know what Jordan's friends were like when he was younger?"

She could tell the man was confused. "I have my ways. Is Jordan almost done?" She glanced around the room to find that most eyes were on her. "This isn't weird at all," she mumbled.

"I sure hope so, and what isn't weird?"

"Nothing you have to worry your little head about. Maybe I will get Jordan to call me back. Tell him to call me tomorrow sometime after eight."

"At night?"

"In the morning. I'm an early riser and by that time I will be ready for the day."

"I can do that."

"Thank-you," Simone said, before hanging up the phone. "Now, why are you all looking at me?"

"No reason," Max said, getting up from his locker and giving her a hug.

"Who were you talking to?" Jordan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"All of you," Simone said, confusion covering her face.

"No, on the phone," Jordan clarified.

"I'm not really sure." Simone scratched her head before shrugging her shoulders.

"Who's Jordan?" Sidney asked from the other side of the room.

"This is Jordan," Simone replied, pointing to the giant to her left. "You should know who your teammates are, Sid."

"Ha ha," Sid laughed, rolling his eyes. "Who's the Jordan you were talking about on the phone?"

"Aren't you guys snoopy today?" Simone raised an eyebrow and then sighed. "If you must know, he is an old friend of mine from back home."

"That's kind of cool," Jordan said, smiling. "I feel a little bit honored that I am your second friend named Jordan, but at the same time I feel a little put out that I'm not your first or only friend named Jordan."

"You are my number one Jordan," Simone told him. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes when he did a little jump and pulled her into his arms for a hug.