

“Who were you talking to?” Jordan asked, walking into his living room. He was holding a sandwich with a large bite out of it.

“Some chick that said you called her a few hours ago. She never really gave me the full story. Actually, she didn’t give me any story.”

“Why didn’t you come get me?” Jordan asked his friend.

“Didn’t want to get up.”

“For a hockey player, you sure are lazy,” Jordan muttered. “Did she say she was going to call back?”

“Uh, no, she said that you could call her tomorrow sometime. She said she would be ready for the day by eight.”

“Gee, thanks for passing the message on, Sam,” Jordan rolled his eyes and sat beside his teammate.

“Who is she?” Sam asked.

“I’m not really sure,” Jordan shrugged. “You remember that girl from the club some weeks ago?” Sam nodded. “She gave me her number and I just felt the need to call her.”

“Well, she knew who you were,” Sam commented.

“Lots of people know who I am, if they are hockey fans.”

“How do you know she is a hockey fan?”

“When I called earlier, she was at a hockey game with a friend.” Jordan glanced at the TV to find Sam watching highlights from the games that were going on that night. “She said that rival teams were playing.”

“She’s obviously not in Canada,” Sam said.

“Why’s that?”

“Canadian teams played yesterday and the rest play tomorrow.”

Jordan nodded and continued watching the highlights. “Maybe she’s in Philadelphia. They were playing Pittsburgh tonight.”

Sam nodded. “Or she could be in New York, seeing as the Rangers played the Islanders. Maybe she lied to you and she wasn’t really at a game.”

“I heard the background noise and the buzzer when one of the teams scored.”

“Hmm, I wonder who she is,” Sam said, his voice sounded thoughtful. “She sounded hot.”

Jordan shook his head at his friends comment. “You’ve seen her, remember?”

“Yea, she was pretty hot.” A smile formed on the man’s face. “She’s probably married or engaged or something. All of the good ones are.”

Again, Jordan shook his head. “I never saw a ring.”

“But were you looking for one?”


“Were you looking for a ring when you talked to her?”

“Well, no, but-”

“If you weren’t looking for a ring, Jordan, then you don’t know for sure whether there was one or not.”

“I guess so,” Jordan said. “Why would I care anyway? I have a girlfriend. Your cousin, Lindsay, remember?”

“Oh, yea, her,” Sam looked over at the brown haired man beside him. “Look Jordan, I’ve heard some things from Taylor. Now don’t get me wrong, Lindsay’s a great girl, but you guys have been fighting for a week and, well, if Lindsay really cared about the relationship, she would have talked to you by now.”

“We talked today,” Jordan countered.

“I doubt that,” Sam said. “If you think that you talked today, then you are in for a real treat when you two actually talk and try to work things out. Did she have someone over?”


“Today; when you were talking to her did she have someone over?”

“Yea, she said he moved in across the hall from her. Adam, I think his name was. What does that have to do with anything?”

“Nothing, I was just wondering.”

“Sam, what aren’t you telling me?” Jordan studied his teammate.

“It’s nothing, Jordan. Just forget I said anything, ok?”

“Fine, I’ll drop it, but only for now.”

“Good,” Sam nodded. “I’ve got to head out, Cogs and I are heading to that new bar that opened up last week. Will you be at practice tomorrow?”

Jordan nodded. “I’ll be there, but I can’t practice.”

“Understandable,” Sam said, getting up from the couch. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bud.”

Jordan sat on his couch and listened to the door close behind Sam. Now that he was alone, he had time to think about what he was going to say when he called the mystery redhead back and what he was going to tell Taylor once Sam told him about the phone call. Sighing, he leaned into the back of the couch and flipped through the channels until he found an old movie. He stretched his body out across the couch and rested his head on a pillow that happened to be in the living room.

As he watched the movie, his mind wandered to finally figuring out who this girl was and why she looked familiar.