

The door slammed loudly as Jordan walked into the room. Simone looked over at him, immediately noticing his expression. She knew that he wasn’t happy when Marc-Andre and she left him with the people from the van, but his face told her that he was much more than angry.

“Whoa, dude, what’s up with you?” Max’s voice sounded through the locker room chatter.

Jordan looked at his teammate and scowled. “Those damn reporters hit my SUV.”

“Shit Jordan. Is it bad?”

“Pretty bad,” Jordan nodded, sitting in his locker.

“It’s not that bad,” Simone said, earning a nasty look from the tall blonde. “It really isn’t.” She looked at Jordan.

“It would have been worse if Simone had been smashed up against the side of it,” Marc-Andre’s voice was quiet, but that didn’t stop the team from hearing his comment.

“What?” Sidney looked up from his equipment. “What do you mean smashed up against his SUV?”

The team listened intently as Marc-Andre explained what had happened outside just minutes ago. “I was really worried about her. By her, I do not mean Jordan’s vehicle.”

Jordan rolled his eyes at Marc-Andre’s attempt at humour. “She was fine.”

“It doesn’t matter whether I was ok or not,” Simone said. “The damage isn’t as bad as you think it is I’m sure.”

“Did you look at it?” Jordan raised an eyebrow at her.

“Not really,” Simone shrugged. “But-“


Simone studied Jordan, trying to decide what to say next. She knew that, if she didn’t pick her words carefully, the man would probably erupt. “I’m sorry, Jordan, but I don’t think that you are in the best state of mind to know how bad the damage is.”

His eyes flashed with anger as the words came from her mouth. “You should be sorry.”

“Excuse me?” Simone looked at him with wide eyes. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You were in charge of my baby.”

“I parked in the same stall that you had when we first got here. Besides, it’s not like I asked them to crash into it.”

Jordan gave her a look of slight disbelief.

“Fuck this,” Simone mumbled. She made her way to the door and pulled it open. She continued out the building and over to Jordan’s SUV. Taking her time, she inspected the damage. She pulled her phone out and took a few pictures, focusing on the places with the most damage. Like she had told Jordan, there wasn’t a great deal of overall destruction. The few pieces that were harmed had considerable damage, but nothing too serious. She continued to stand at the vehicle until Jordan’s teammates started to emerge from the building. Leaning against the driver’s door, she looked down at her feet. She could hear the snow crunching as someone walked toward her.

“You ok?” The voice caused her to look up.

“Yea,” she nodded, looking back down at her feet.

“He didn’t mean anything he said.”

Simone sighed. “I know. That doesn’t stop the sting.” She looked back up to see the man nodding his head.

“He’ll realise what he said once he calms down.”

“Is he going to be out soon?”

“I think he’s taking another shower to help him relax and then he’ll probably be out. Do you want to go home right now? I can give you a ride.”

She shook her head. “Thanks Kris, but I should probably wait for Jordan. I have a feeling he’ll want to talk before the game tonight, might as well get it done a.s.a.p.”

“Whatever you think would be best,” Kris said. He gave her a small hug before turning away. “I’ll see you after the game tonight.”

“We’ll see,” Simone muttered as she watched him walk over to his car. Her focus lingered on Kris until he had driven out of the parking lot and out of sight. Taking a deep breath, she stole a glance at the player’s door. Max gave her a wave as he emerged. Shaking her head, she returned the wave and felt a smile tug at the side of her lips. It quickly disappeared as Jordan followed Max. He had his bag slung over his shoulder and he was looking down at the ground. It was like he was trying extra hard not to look at Simone.

Jordan’s simple gesture caused Simone to look at the ground as well. She hated the feeling she got when people were mad at her, even if it was for a stupid reason.

Within seconds, Simone saw a pair of shoes in her line of sight. She slowly lifted her head and allowed her eyes to connect with the blue ones that were staring down at her.

“Simone-” Jordan started to say, but stopped when Simone raised her hand.

“Let’s just go,” Simone suggested, taking a step away from the tall blonde.

Jordan sighed, defeated, and crawled into the driver seat of his SUV. He started the vehicle and pulled out of the lot in silence. No matter how much he wanted to apologise, he knew that, if Simone stopped him from talking, she had to be the first one to say something. He had made the mistake of being the first to talk before and ended up with a stubborn girl who wouldn’t talk to him for the rest of the day. He definitely did not want that today. All he cared about was getting back on the right track with his friend and apologising.

“I’m not angry.” Her voice was so quiet that Jordan almost missed what she had said.

“I’m sorry, Simone,” Jordan said, glancing at her. “I really am. I didn’t mean a word I said. I guess I was still caught up in what had happened with my SUV that I took it out on you and that wasn’t far for you or the rest of the team.”

Simone nodded, not forgiving him that easily. “You know I’m right.”

Jordan frowned at this statement. “Right about what?”

“I was right about that damage done to this thing.”

“I’m pretty sure I knew that before I walked into the dressing room, but, instead of agreeing with you, I overreacted and imagined the damage to be worse than it was.”

This caused Simone to turn and look at her friend. She studied his features, trying to decide if what he was saying was true or not. After a few minutes, she sighed and looked back out the window. She knew there was no way she wouldn’t be able to forgive Jordan for his accusation.

“What is it?”

Simone turned at the sound of Jordan’s voice, giving him a questioning look.

“Why did you sigh?” Jordan asked.

“It’s nothing, Jordan,” she told him.

“I’ll make it up to you if you are still mad at me.”

“I told you I’m not angry,” Simone said.

“Being angry and being mad are two different things, Simone.”

“Well, I’m not mad either, Jordan.” Simone crossed her arms. “I’m over it. I get that you
weren’t thinking straight when you said those things and you are forgiven. Don’t you ever think it will be that easy next time, though.”

Jordan smirked and looked at his passenger. “Thank-you, Simone. You are the best.”

“Don’t I know it.”