

“Mom, it’s not like I’m quitting. I’m just taking a two day break and heading to Martensville,” he said into the phone. “Look, I know you’re worried about me and everything, but I’m not going to be alone. Taylor’s girlfriend offered to go with me.” He paused listening to what his mother had to say. Glancing around the room, he grabbed a few items of clothing and shoved them in the duffel bag sitting on his bed. “No, Mom, believe me, she is nothing like that. She’s really sweet and totally perfect for Taylor. Nothing is going to happen.” He paused again as he threw his toothbrush into the bag. “We are staying in Lloydminster for one night. There will be two beds. Hell, I’ll even get two separate rooms if it makes you feel better.” He rolled his eyes as his mother continued talking. “Mom, someone’s at my door. I’ll call you once we get to Lloydminster, okay? Yes, Mom, I love you, too. I’ll be careful. Yes, ok, bye.” Sighing he pressed the red button on his phone and tossed it in his bag.

He was about to sit down on the bed, when someone knocked on his apartment door. He quickly made his way to the door and swiftly pulled it open. For some reason, the sight of his best friend’s girl on the other side of his door seemed to comfort him.

“Hey, Jordan!” Her lips formed a perfect smile as she walked through the door. “Are you ready to go?”

Jordan nodded. “I’ll go grab my bag.” Moving quickly, he went to his room to retrieve his things. When he reappeared, the petite brunette was standing in his kitchen putting together some sandwiches. “You ready?”

“Just let me finish these up, and then we can leave,” she said, putting a slice of bread on top of the meat that covered the other slice. She quickly cut the two sandwiches in half and wrapped them up. “I thought you might get hungry during the drive, so I hope you don’t mind that I made these.”

“Its fine,” Jordan told her. He followed her out of the apartment and locked the door behind them. “You’re sure Taylor’s okay with you going?” He knew that his teammate wouldn’t have a problem with it, but something inside of him told him to make sure.

“He’s fine with it,” she told him. “Right now I think his mind is too wrapped up with something else to even worry about me.”

“I doubt that,” Jordan argued. “All Taylor ever talks about is you.”

The brunette laughed. “Now I know that is a lie.”

“How would you know that?” Jordan raised an eyebrow as he slid into the passenger seat.

“Because all Taylor ever talks about is hockey or Lindsay and you,” she told him, turning the key to start the engine. “I love the boy, but I also know that, when it comes down to it, he won’t think twice about me.”

“Come on, Jen, you and I both know that isn’t true.”

“I know,” she sighed.

They sat in silence as she manoeuvred her car onto Highway 16. The radio was quietly
playing a country song.

“Thank-you for coming with me,” Jordan said, causing the girl to jump a little.

“Oh, it’s no problem at all,” she told him. “I had a couple days off, so why not spend them with you.”

Jordan laughed and shook his head at her. “You know Taylor’s one lucky guy.”

“Why’s that?”

“You can’t seriously be asking that, Jennifer.” He studied her for a second. “You really don’t know, do you?”

Jennifer shook her head.

“You’re one hell of a girl, Jen,” Jordan told her. “You’re funny, smart and truthfully one of the most honest people I have ever met. I thought that this trip was going to be awkward because I don’t know you that well, but, in reality, this couldn’t be less awkward. I feel like I’ve known you for ages.”

“You probably have,” Jennifer said.

Jordan looked at her; a strange look donned his face. “What are you talking about, I only met you recently.”

“I meant that you probably know someone like me,” she said. “Maybe someone from your past was smart and funny and whatever else you think about me.”

Jordan just nodded and thought about what she had told him. His thoughts jumped to the red head from the bar. “Do you remember that time a month ago when Taylor, Sam and I went to a club?”

“Uh, there were a couple times you did that,” Jennifer admitted.

“We didn’t bring you or Lindsay like we usually do,” Jordan explained.

“I think so,” Jennifer nodded. “Taylor came home saying something about blonde girls who were in love with Sam.”

“That’s probably the night I’m talking about,” Jordan said. “Taylor and Sam were dancing with some blonde girls that were more than obviously into Sam.”

Jennifer giggled. “Let me guess, Taylor was totally oblivious to it.”

Now Jordan was laughing, too. “He always is. Anyway, did Taylor tell you anything else about that night?”

Jennifer sat, focusing on the road as she thought about the question. “Now that you mention it, he did. He told me something about you and some red haired girl.” She looked to her right, hoping to catch Jordan’s reaction. When he nodded, she continued. “He said that you were talking to this girl. I think he said she was good looking, but didn’t seem like your type.”

“My type?” Jordan raised an eyebrow. “I have a type?”

“That’s what Taylor said, but if he is judging by what Lindsay is like, I’d say he’s pretty far off.”

“Okay, well, did he say anything about who I thought she was?”

Jennifer shook her head back and forth. “Not that I recall, why? Who is she?”

“I don’t know,” Jordan said. “I wish I did, but I have no idea.”

“Well, who did you think she was?”

“I had a best friend in high school,” Jordan explained. “Her name was Samo; well that’s what I called her. I think her actual name Samantha or something. I don’t really remember because I never called her that. Anyway, we were really close all through high school. She always came to my games and I tried my best to be at all of her volleyball games. She was different from any girl I had ever dated, but she was my best friend. Every year in high school, she would try-out for the football team. She never made it, of course, but it was only because she was a girl.”

“She was an athlete?” Jennifer asked.

Jordan nodded. “I’m almost positive she was more athletic than I am, but that’s not the
point. After graduating, she went somewhere for school and I continued playing hockey and got drafted. We lost contact and I haven’t seen her or talked to her in four years.”

“Let me guess, you think she might be the girl you met at the bar.”

“I know it’s stupid, but something about her made me believe that it was Samo,” Jordan admitted. “Taylor keeps asking me if it is a good idea to find out who she is, but I feel like it’s one of those things that I have to do.”

“I say go for it,” Jennifer smiled. “How are you going to figure it out though?”

“I have her number and have called her a couple of times,” Jordan told her. “I only got one opportunity to actually ask her some questions.”

“Well, that’s good,” Jennifer said. “If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.”

Jordan nodded and smiled over at his best friend’s girlfriend. He was glad someone was on his side for this. There was something different about her and he liked it.

“Oh, and will you do me another favour?”

Jordan nodded his response.

“Don’t get back together with Lindsay.”