

“Why did we agree to go shopping with the girls?” Jordan asked as he and Jeff slowly followed Michaela and Jennifer. They watched as the two girls walked into another store, earning a groan from Jordan. “We’ve been here for two hours.”

“What were we supposed to do drop them off and head to a pub?” Jeff questioned.

“I’d rather be at home feeling sorry for myself than following these two around,” Jordan replied. He took a quick look around as they entered the store. “Haven’t we been in this store already?”

“Nope,” Michaela piped up. “Now, let’s go. There is nothing good here.”

Jeff rolled his eyes as he trailed his sister. “You get used to following her around. It’s like she has a shopping problem. She never stays in a store longer than five minutes and if she does it’s because there is something she really wants to get. Usually we stand around for ten minutes while she decides whether or not to buy it.”

“Let me guess, more often than not, she puts it back on the shelf.”

Jeff nodded and looked down at his watch. “Kay, I’m giving you half an hour longer, and then Jordan and I are leaving.”

Michaela stopped abruptly, causing Jennifer to run into her. “You’ve got some nerve, Jeff. Never stop a girl while she’s shopping, it could end very badly for you. Now, Jen and I are going to take all the time we need to finish going through all of the stores.”

Jeff opened his mouth to reply, but shut it when Michaela gave him a pointed look. “She sure is bitchy today.”

“You just like to get on her nerves,” Jordan smirked. “I’d be bitchy too if my brother kept trying to tell me what to do.”

“You’re older than your brother though,” Jeff reasoned.

“Even if I wasn’t, I’d still get fed up with him.”

“Right, because you don’t already.”

“Whatever you think, Jeff.”

“Why are you sticking up for my sister anyway?” Jeff raised an eyebrow.

“Because you don’t,” Jordan remarked with a shrug.

“I don’t think so,” Jeff said, stopping.

Jordan gave him a questioning look. “What?”

“You like her,” Jeff said.



“No way, Jeff, I don’t like your sister, at least not in the way you’re thinking.”

“Really? Because it sure seems like it.”

“For goodness sake, Jeff, she’s your sister. Plus, she’s underage.”

“Like that would stop you.”

“Come on, dude, you know I’m not like that.”

“Right, whatever you say.”

“Seriously, I’m not into your sister.”

“But you’re into someone, right?” Jeff asked, starting to walk again.

“Well, yea, but she’s not related to you,” Jordan admitted.

“I’d like to believe that it’s that Lindsay chick you’ve been with for so long, but I have a very good feeling it’s not.”

“I care for Lindsay,” Jordan told him.

“Sure you do.”

“I truthfully do,” Jordan insisted. He wasn’t sure whether he was trying to convince Jeff or himself.

“I would have to be stupid to believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth because that’s exactly what it is, bullshit.”

“If you know me so well, why don’t you tell me who it is.”


“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Jordan assured. “There is no way I like Jennifer as more than a friend.”

“You can’t honestly think I’m going to believe you,” Jeff spoke. “There is no way you can look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t think she is beautiful.”

“Who’s not beautiful?” Jennifer asked from behind Jordan. She stopped next to him, not noticing the pink that had crept to his face.

“Catherine,” Jeff covered. “She’s an old friend of mine. We saw her walk by while you were shopping.”

“And you don’t think she’s beautiful?” Jennifer asked, looking up at Jordan.

“Uh, well, she’s alright, I guess,” Jordan sputtered. “She’s not really my type though.”

“What is your type?” Jeff asked with a smirk. “Blonde hair, fake boobs, short skirts?”

“That’s more your type, isn’t it?” Jordan scowled.

“Only when I’m desperate,” Jeff countered.

“That’s disgusting, Jeff,” Michaela gasped, punching her brother in the arm.

“I was just kidding, Kay,” Jeff told her, rolling his eyes. “Are you two finished?”

“I think so,” Michaela nodded. “You ready to hit the road? Mom sent me a message and told me that she’s making pizza for supper.”

“I love your mom’s pizza,” Jordan announced.

“I could use some nice, hot, homemade pizza,” Jeff said, thoughtfully. “Let’s get going.”

The four quickly made their way out of the mall and over to Jeff’s black truck. Jeff wasted no time unlocking the doors so that they could all get into their seats. He drove out of the parking lot in a hurry and manoeuvred the truck onto the highway with ease.

“Did you guys find something to keep yourselves busy?” Jennifer asked from the back seat.

“Not really,” Jordan shook his head. “We mostly followed you two around. Did you buy lots?”

“Between Michaela and me, we could start our own store.”

“Is there going to be room in your car for both of our bags?” Jordan asked, turning in his seat to look at the brunette.

“There will be room for mine,” Jennifer joked. “I’m not too sure about yours.”

“Gee, thanks,” Jordan chuckled.

“You’re leaving tomorrow, aren’t you?” Michaela asked.

Jennifer nodded. “We will probably leave around noon. That way Jordan can’t go to the game.”

“What game?” Michaela asked.

“The Oilers’ have a game tomorrow night,” Jennifer explained. “If we leave too early, Jordan would be able to go to the game. However, he is under strict instructions not to be there.”

“They aren’t really strict instructions, it was more of a suggestion,” Jordan insisted.

“That’s not what I was told,” Jennifer argued. “Taylor said that Ales told them that you weren’t allowed to be at the game because you were taking sometime away from the city.”

“He never told me that I wasn’t allowed to go to the game, he just wanted me to get away for a couple of days,” Jordan tried. “It’s not like he can stop me anyway.”

“He might not be able to, but I sure can,” Jennifer replied.

“Are you stopping in Lloyd again?” Jeff asked.

“I doubt it, unless something happens and we have to stop.”

“Like a snow storm?” Michaela asked.

“Or Jordan gets horny,” Jeff muttered, receiving a punch in the arm from Jordan.

“What was that for?” Michaela asked, curiously, not having heard what her brother had said.

“Nothing important,” Jeff laughed.

“He’s just being a pain in the ass,” Jordan told her.

“What else is new?” Michaela commented.

“Aw, you love me, Kay,” Jeff beamed.

“Only because Mom makes me,” Michaela said, sticking out her tongue.

“Good thing this drive is only half an hour,” Jordan mumbled, leaning against the window to enjoy the rest of the ride.