

"You know it wasn't like that." He gave her a stern look. "I was just out with Taylor and Sam."

"And you came home with some tramps number!" She screamed.

"She wasn't some tramp," he told her.

"Oh, really?" She raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips. "How do you know that?"

"She left!" He yelled.


"She left, ok? I asked her to come back inside the club and she said she had to go."

"You asked her back into the club? What for?"

He sighed and shook his head. She was picking up on all the wrong parts of the conversation.

"So what? I asked her back inside. I thought maybe I could buy her another drink and we could sit and talk for a bit."

"You already talked. For the sake of this relationship, you better start telling the truth Jordan."

"I am telling the truth!" He exclaimed. "Why would I lie? I didn't do anything wrong. The guys left me at the bar so they could go dance with some girls. The girl walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. We exchanged small talk. She gave me her number and then went outside. I followed, but only because she reminded me of someone I used to know. She offered me a smoke, which I declined. I asked if she wanted to go back in and she said she had to go. What more do you want from me?"

"Did you leave with her?" Her green eyes pierced his own blue ones.


"Liar," she breathed.

"How can you call me a liar?" He asked, bewildered. "It's not like you were there watching my every movement."

"You can't tell me that some beautiful girl just gave you her number. You also can't prove that you didn't leave with her."

"Ask Taylor. He saw me after I came inside. I wasn't gone long enough to do anything."

"You know what Jordan? When you're ready to tell the truth, you know where to find me." She swung open his apartment door, grabbed her purse and slammed the door closed.

Jordan stood in the kitchen of his apartment, stunned. He couldn't figure out what he had done wrong. It wasn't like he cheated on her. All he wanted was to know whether he knew the mystery girl from the bar.

His phone started to ring, knocking him out of his shock.


"Hey, Jordan. What's up?" The voice from the other end was familiar.

"Just standing here in the kitchen," Jordan replied. It took him a second to realize how weird that sounded.

"Uh, right. Anyway, the guys are all heading over to Sam's place. Do you want to come?"

"That's exactly what I need right now." Jordan nodded to himself. "I could use a night out."

"I'll pick you up, ok?"

"Sure, thanks Taylor," he replied, finally realizing who he was talking to. "See you later." He hung up his phone and walked over to the sink. Turning on the tap, he splashed some water in his face. The cold water cleared his thoughts momentarily. He knew that tomorrow he would have to patch things up with Lindsay.