

Jordan sat in his temporary bed with his phone to his ear. He was slightly dazed and extremely confused by the conversation he had just had with another man named Jordan.

“Are you still there?” A female voice said into his ear.

“I am,” Jordan replied, nodding slightly. “What just happened? Did I dream all of that?”

The woman chuckled. “Nope, that was all real life. Sorry about that, my friend stopped by to take me to lunch and he wanted to answer the phone for me.”

“That’s alright,” Jordan told her. “I’m just confused by what he said before he handed the phone over. Is his name actually Jordan?”

“Yes, his name is Jordan. What did he say before handing me the phone?”

“See you on the ice, Eberle.”

“Oh, he’s one of my friends from the team,” she explained. “How did you know my name?”

“What?” Jordan pulled the phone away from his ear and gave it a weird look.

“The guy who answered the phone made it sound like you knew my name. I never told you what it was.”

“Right, well the friend I am visiting in Martensville said that I used to hang out with a girl named Simone and your name starts with an s. I just tried it and hoped I was right. It would have been embarrassing if I had been wrong or called you S.”

“I see,” she mused. “Lucky for you, my name is Simone, but on to a different topic. I’m getting a ‘hurry up’ signal from my friend. Did you find anything out about a doctor?”

“I found a few, but here’s the thing, I made some calls to the offices and they are all booked for at least three weeks.”

“Shit,” Simone muttered.

“So, then I made another call and, technically he’s not allowed to do this, but I convinced the team doctor to see you. The reason you are seeing him should be something general, though, like a small injury or a sore throat.”

“Really? Thank-you so much. I just need him to do a check-up on a bruised wrist. Nothing too serious.”

“No problem. What day are you going to be here?”

“I fly to Edmonton on Saturday and I leave Tuesday morning.”

“Okay, well, we have some practices you could stop by during. Do you know where the arena is?”

“No, but I’m sure I can find it. The cabs know where to go.”

“Probably, but if you would like to save some cash, I could drive you to the rink,” Jordan offered.

“Will you be able to drive by then?” Simone asked. “Either way, the company pays for all of my food, cabs and rooms.”

“Hopefully I can be driving, and then I can save your boss some money. Are you okay with going to an 8 am skate?”

“I do it here when Jordan wants me around, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“I’ll find out a definite schedule and let you know the possible times you can see the doc,” Jordan said, a smile spreading across his face. “Can I ask you something before you go to lunch?”

“You just did, but go ahead.”

“Since I will probably still be sidelined Saturday night, do you think that you would like to go to our game with me? You don’t have to if you don’t want to or if you are busy with work. Its just that I get kind of lonely at the games when no-one else is injured.”

“Can I let you know later this week?” Simone asked. “I don’t want to say yes and then have my schedule changed and not be able to.”

“Of course,” Jordan said happily. He had a plan set up for that night if she was able to join him. He knew that Jennifer would help him out, since she would be at the game watching Taylor. “I’ll just have them save a ticket for you, that way you are guaranteed a seat whether you make it or not.”

“That’s really sweet of you,” Simone cooed. “I’ve got to go, Jordan looks like he is about ready to rip the phone from my hand and slam it down.”

Jordan chuckled at the mental image. “Alright, I’ll be in touch.”

Hanging up the phone, Jordan slowly got out from under the covers. He pulled an old tee-shirt over his head while he exited the room.

“What a hunk,” Jennifer said with a smile as Jordan pulled the shirt into place.

“There’s more where that came from,” Jordan joked. He could feel a blush form on his cheeks. “How long until we leave?”

“About an hour,” Jennifer replied, walking down the hall.

“It took everything in Jordan’s power not to watch her as he followed her into the kitchen.

“Are you ready to go?” She asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

“Pretty much,” Jordan nodded, sitting down next to Jeff at the table.

“Dude, could you make it any more obvious?” Jeff whispered before taking a bite of the pancakes stacked on his plate.

Jordan gave him a puzzled look as he accepted a plate of pancakes for himself. “Thank-you, Mrs. Brandson.”

“What have I told you, Jordan?” she fake scolded. “Please call me Catherine.”

“Sorry, Catherine, it’s been awhile,” Jordan said.

Catherine gave him a motherly smile before exiting the room.

“Don’t you have a friend named Catherine?” Jennifer asked, sitting across from Jordan.

“What gave you that idea?” Jordan asked before shoving food into his mouth.

“You two were talking about her at the mall yesterday.”

Jordan looked over at Jeff, trying to remember when they had been talking about someone names Catherine. He knew they had talked about Michaela and Jennifer, but couldn’t recall anyone named Catherine.

Jeff frowned a little and shrugged at Jordan. “I don’t remember that.”

“You were talking about some girl yesterday and I walked up and asked who you were talking about.” She stared at the boy’s blank faces. “Nothing? You have no memory of this?”

Suddenly, Jeff’s eyes got rather large. “Oh, Catherine,” he said. “How could I forget?”

Jordan sent him a strange look as he continued to figure out what they were talking about. He knew that he did not know anyone, except for Jeff’s mother, named Catherine.

“You don’t know anyone named Catherine, do you Jeff?” Jennifer asked, catching onto the fib he had told.

“That’s not true, I know one person named Catherine.”

“Mom doesn’t count,” Michaela said, walking into the kitchen and filling her plate with pancakes. She was wearing a dark pair of jeans and an old woolen sweater. Her brown hair was straight and hanging down her shoulders.

“How long have you been up?” Jeff asked, looking at his sister curiously. “And how long have you been standing there listening?”

“I’ve been up for about ten minutes,” Michaela told him, glancing at the clock. “I’ve been standing there since Jennifer figured out that you didn’t know anyone named Catherine. She’s right you know, plus you are a bad liar.”

Jeff glared at his sister. “How did you get ready for the day so fast?”

Michaela shrugged. “I’m amazing.”

Jeff rolled his eyes and finished off his plate. He got up and placed his dishes in the sink before heading for the door.

“Hold on,” Jennifer said, causing Jeff to stop and turn to look at her. “I want to know who you were talking about.”

“Why do you need to know?” Jeff asked.

“Why not?” Jennifer shrugged. “I’m curious and you lied to me.”

“Actually, I covered up the truth,” Jeff retorted.

“Why would you need to do that?” Jennifer asked. “Unless you were talking about me, but that’s ridiculous.”

The two men gave each other a knowing look.

“They were totally talking about you,” Michaela smirked.

Jennifer glanced at the girl and then turned to Jordan. “What were you saying?”

“You interrupted us before we could really start,” Jordan admitted. “Jeff asked if I thought you were good looking and then you showed up.”

“And do you?” Michaela asked through a mouthful of food.

“Do I what?” Jordan asked.

“Do you think Jennifer is good looking?” Jeff asked with a satisfied look on his face.

“Uh, well, yea,” Jeff sputtered. “I mean, you’d have to be crazy if you didn’t.” He could feel his face go red for the second time that morning.

“Taylor would kill you if he heard you say that,” Jennifer said, giving him a soft smile.

“Which is why I have never said it around him,” Jordan reasoned. “So let’s keep it between the four of us, okay?”

“Oh, hell no,” Jennifer laughed. “You just gave me the best torture material I could ask for.”

Jeff burst out laughing as Michaela sat there with a smug look on her face.

“I like the way you think,” she told Jennifer.

“Hey, guys, thanks for everything these past couple of days,” Jennifer said with sincerity. “Jordan and I should probably head out if we are going to make it back by tonight.”

Once the four of them said their goodbyes, Jordan packed the bags into the car and slid into the passenger seat. He gave Jennifer a nervous look as she put the car in gear and drove way from Jeff’s place.

“I’m not going to say anything,” she said, peering over at the brown haired man next to her. “You have nothing to worry about, unless you plan on telling him that you think his girlfriend is hot.”

“Now, now, I never said you were hot,” Jordan teased. “I believe the term I used was good looking.”

“Is there a difference?” Jennifer raised an eyebrow.

“There sure is,” Jordan nodded.

“And what might that difference be?”

“Well,” Jordan started slowly. “Good looking is a respectful term for someone you think is attractive.”

“So, hot would be a disrespectful term used when you think someone is attractive?”

“Yes and no.”


“Using hot is disrespectful, sure, but guys usually use it when they are at a club. We like to use hot when we talk about someone we want to bring home for the night.”

“Basically, you guys use the word to describe a possible one night stand?” Jennifer questioned.

“Have you ever been out with Sam or Cogs?”

“Yea, a couple of times when Taylor has brought me along, why?”

“That’s how those two use the word hot,” Jordan explained.

“Do you use it differently?”

“I try hard not to use it at all,” Jordan admitted.

“New topic,” Jennifer announced after a minute. “Who were you talking to this morning before you left your room?”

“Simone,” Jordan replied.

“Like your old friend, Simone?”

Jordan shrugged. “Could be. I don’t really know. I know it was the red haired girl I was supposed to call S, but I know her name is Simone, now. Do you think it’s just a coincidence?”

“How many girls do you know who have red hair and are named Simone?” Jennifer tried to reason.

Jordan started out the window thinking about what Jennifer had said. He continued to try to wrap his head around the fact that he could have found one of the most important people in his life. It had been so long since he had seen the girl he called Samo. There were questions popping into his head that he wanted to know the answer to. Would he get his friend back? Was she still single or had she gotten married during his absence from her life? Most importantly, would she be happy to see him again or angry that he hadn’t kept in touch?