

She had to admit that her time spent in Dallas had improved once she had met Alex. Now that she was on the plane, ready to head north for Edmonton, Alberta, she was disappointed that she had not been able to spend more time with the man. He had been extremely nice to her and, even though they had just met, she felt like she had known him for some time.

As the plane rose from the pavement and high into the sky, Simone thought about the offer that had been placed on the table several days before. The offer to see a hockey game with her friend, who still was oblivious to her identity, was still unaccepted. The entire time she was in Dallas, she had contemplated calling him and telling him that she couldn’t make it, but she was not able to bring herself to call him and deliver such bad news. Since she had Saturday night free, she would be able to attend the said game, causing her to feel guilty to even think about telling him that she wasn’t able to attend.

Against her better judgement, she had accepted a ride from her hotel to the arena for a meeting with the team doctor. The idea of sitting in a vehicle with the gap toothed boy from her past excited her. She couldn’t wait to hear all about his hockey career and whatever else he had been up to for the past four years.

She hadn’t bothered to dress up for the flight, although she was sitting in business class. Sitting comfortably in her yoga pants, white tank top, and Jordan’s Penguins sweater, she pulled out her iPod and plugged her earphones into the device. Once the ear pieces were in her ears, Simone scrolled through her assortment of music before finding the perfect song to start listening to.

Looking to her left, she smiled to the older lady sitting next to her. The lady returned the smile and attempted to get her attention. Removing the ear piece closest to the woman, Simone gave her another smile.

“Are you from Calgary?” the lady asked.

“Oh, sorry, I’m not,” Simone replied politely.

“It’s quite alright,” the woman smiled. “You just look like one of my daughter’s college friends.”

“Are you going to Calgary to visit her?” Simone asked, interestedly.

“No, I live in Calgary.”

“I’m going out on a limb to say that you were in Dallas for business?”

The woman laughed. “Yes, I was, but I’m ready to be home and sleeping in my own bed.”

“I definitely know that feeling.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, where do you go after stopping in Calgary?”

“Not at all,” Simone said as she pulled her other ear bud out of her ear and stopped her iPod. “I’m actually going to Edmonton for a few days.”

“I am hoping that your trip in Edmonton is for business.”

The statement caused Simone to chuckle. “Yes, for business. I’ve never understood why people in Calgary don’t like Edmonton and visa versa.”

“I don’t know what anyone else’s reason is, but my personal reason has to do with sports. The rivalry between the Flames and the Oilers or the Stampeders and the Eskimos is a big deal to me and my family.”

“I understand that perfectly. I’m living in Pittsburgh and the rivalry between the Penguins and the Flyers make living in Pittsburgh just that much better than living in Philadelphia.”

“Pittsburgh, wow, is that where you were born?”

“No, I’m from Saskatchewan.”

“What do you do in Pittsburgh that has you flying all of the way from Dallas to Edmonton?”

“I’m in the international business department for the company I work for. Actually, I’m the only person in the department, so I guess I’m the international business woman. The company has offices all over the U.S., Canada and Europe.”

“That’s impressive. You can’t be older than, what, 21?”

“Thank you,” Simone smiled, her cheeks turning a light pink shade. “But I’m turning 23 in February.”

“See, you’re still young. I bet you’ve been everywhere. Edmonton, Montreal, Dallas, New York, London, Paris, Madrid.”

“Not quite. I’m not that well travelled yet. After this trip, I’ll be pretty close.”

“Where else are you going this trip?”

“After Edmonton, I go to Ottawa, Boston, New York, Raleigh, Miami, and then I leave for Europe. I’m not really sure where I am going while in Europe, but I’ll be there for at least a month.”

“I’ve got to say, when I was your age, I could only dream of being half of the places you’re going to be visiting.”

“Were you just in Dallas or were you in other cities as well?”

“Just Dallas,” the woman told her. “My job isn’t as exciting as yours.”

“What do you do?”

“I own my own coffee shop.”

“That’s amazing. Which one is it? Maybe I’ve been there. I have been to Calgary a lot throughout high school.”

“It’s a small shop that not many people know about. I’m located in one of the strip malls. April’s is what I called it.”

“April’s, hmm, that sounds familiar, but I can’t remember being there for sure. Maybe I walked past it or something.”

“You may have. If you were from Saskatchewan, why were you in Calgary throughout high school?”

“A friend of mine played hockey in Regina, where I went to school, and his family lived in Calgary. He would bring me home during Christmas or summer break.”

“That’s sweet. Does he still play?”

“He does,” Simone nodded. “He plays for Edmonton, actually.”

“So, you’ll get to see him while you’re there.”

“I will, but we haven’t really seen each other in four years. We drifted apart once I left Regina to continue my education.”

“That’s unfortunate, but this is the perfect opportunity to renew your relationship.”

“It really is. We bumped into each other last time I was in Edmonton for business, but he didn’t recognize me. I didn’t think I had changed that much, but I managed to give him my number and we’ve been talking ever since. He asked me to come to a game while I’m there, since he’s on the injury reserve list.”

“Are you going?”

“I don’t know yet,” Simone admitted. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to go. I really enjoy watching hockey. I just don’t know if it is such a good idea to go. Something keeps telling me to tell him that I’m busy, but there is that other part that is telling me to go.”

“I know my opinion doesn’t really matter. I’m the random lady who sat beside you from Dallas to Calgary. I think you should go.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Well, if my guess is right, the man you are talking about is Jordan Eberle.”

“That’s correct, but how did you know that?”

“I have lived next door to his family for years. He’s a sweetheart.”

“Maybe that’s why you recognized me and why I recognized the name of your coffee shop.”

“Now that you mention it, you do look a lot like his friend. I think he called her Samo.”

“That was definitely what he called me. I don’t know why, but he never called me Simone.”

“I swear to the heavens above that to this day he has only brought one other girl home with him. The other girl has nothing on you. She was quite rude to me when I met her.”

Simone couldn’t stop the saddened look that flashed across her face. “His girlfriend?”

“I hope, for his sake, it is ex-girlfriend now. She was absolutely horrible for him. Not a thing like you.”

“You do know that Jordan and I were never dating, right?”

“Oh, I know darling, but both his mother and I believed that one day you two would start. I guess we were wrong.”

“No offence to Jordan, but thank goodness you were. I love Pittsburgh and I really like my friends there.”

“You have a boyfriend, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t.”

“What? A beautiful woman like you without a boyfriend, what is this world coming to?”

“My boyfriend and I recently split.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Please, don’t be. I witnessed the real him a few days ago.”

“That’s always unfortunate when you think you know someone and you turn out to be wrong.”

“As it turned out, three years just isn’t enough time to really know someone.”

“Three years. My goodness, he must have really been determined to hide something from you.”

“I know that you’ve noticed the bruise that has been fading on my wrist and the large amount of makeup that is on my face. Both are bruises that I received from my ex. He accused me of having an affair with my friend, who lives across the hall and plays hockey.”

“Oh my,” the woman exclaimed, covering her mouth. “What a horrible man. Why would anyone want to do that to a beautiful, young lady?”

“Thank you, that means a lot to me. Can I ask you something?”


“Do you think Jordan will be happy when he finds out it’s me?”

“Honestly, I think he will be ecstatic. You were a big part of his life and, in my opinion, you were a big part of his career. You helped him get where he is today. To him, you were something else. Something more than the girl he brought home during the holidays. You were that special someone who helped him get where he is today, so yes I think he will be happy to find out it’s you and to have you back in his life. Hopefully he doesn’t let you go again.”