
The 'Burgh

Rocking from his heels to his toes, Jordan waited for the door to open. One hand was in the pocket of his jeans while the other held a bottle of red wine. He doubted that the wine he chose was good quality, since he usually stuck to beer and hard liquor, but he wanted to do something to thank Kris for letting him intrude on supper with Brett.

It was general knowledge that Kris and Brett were close, but Jordan was sure that, if Brett hadn’t signed the contract forbidding her from relationships with the team, the two friends would be together. He also knew that his long haired teammate loved Brett’s son, Russell.

The door cracked open, breaking Jordan from his thoughts. He gave Brett a quick hug before handing her the bottle. “I hope it’s good. The lady at the liquor store recommended it.”

“I’m sure it’s great,” Brett replied, moving away from the threshold so that he could enter. “Kris is in the living room with Russell. You’re more than welcome to join them.”

“Thanks, but do you think I could hang out in the kitchen with you for a bit?” Jordan asked, sheepishly. “I was hoping you could help me with some stuff.”

“Sure,” Brett nodded, leading him into Kris’ kitchen. “Sit.” She pointed to the bar stools that sat under the lip of Kris’ island. “What stuff do you need help with?” She asked, moving to the stove and stirring the contents of the pot that sat on a back burner.

“Girl stuff,” Jordan confessed. He watched the woman move around the kitchen effortlessly. “Do you cook for Tanger a lot?”

The petite woman gave him a soft smile and nodded. Her cheeks turned a light pink as she chopped some carrots. “Yes. Russell likes being here and I don’t mind having an extra person around for supper or lunch. Kris hasn’t complained yet.”

“He probably never will,” Jordan mumbled. He had known Kris for some time and knew that he wasn’t one to complain.

The defenseman wasn’t stupid either. He had a woman cooking for him most nights and had her company whenever he wanted. It didn’t hurt that she was easy on the eyes, as Max described her. Kris had no reason to complain.

Jordan’s eyes travelled up and down the woman working on the other side of the island. He had to admit that she was good looking.

The red cuffs of the black and white striped shirt she wore went just past her elbows and her blue jeans seemed to fit perfectly. Jordan had noticed when he entered the house, that she was barefoot. Her curly hair was pulled into a loose ponytail. She never wore earrings and hardly wore makeup. Today was no different. Her eyes were emphasized by a small amount of mascara.

Jordan noticed that her engagement and wedding rings had been moved to her right hand. He frowned, certain that they had been on the other hand earlier that day. “When did you move your rings?”

Brett looked up, startled by the sudden question. She glanced down at her right hand and then returned her gaze to the blonde across from her. “I’m trying to get used to not having them on my left hand. Does it look weird? I don’t feel comfortable taking them off completely.”

“I think it looks fine,” Jordan assured. “But weren’t they on the other hand this morning?”

Brett frowned and shook her head. “I moved them a couple days ago.”

“You mean you moved them after Simone asked about Andy.”

Brett nodded, embarrassed.

“I get it,” Jordan told her. “You feel uncomfortable when people ask about him. It’s understandable. I probably should have warned her, but I didn’t know you were going to be there.”

“I wasn’t planning on joining you guys, but Kris asked if I was going and Mario was close by,” Brett said, turning to the stove once more. She checked whatever was in the oven and stirred the pot a second time. “Mario told me to go have some fun and volunteered Nathalie to babysit.”

“Is there something I can help you with?” Jordan asked as she went back to chopping vegetables.

“Not yet. When it gets closer to being finished, I’ll get you to set the table.”

“Okay, but you’ll have to tell me where things are. I’m not as familiar with Tanger’s kitchen as you.”

Brett smiled and nodded. “Was there a specific girl or girl problem you wanted help with?”

Jordan froze, unsure if he actually wanted to talk to Brett about a personal matter. “Both?” His voice was timid. He wasn’t usually shy when it came to talking about the opposite sex. In the locker room, he knew that he had a big mouth when it came to females. He was sure he was second to Max when it came to the discussion of women.

“Does this have anything to do with a pretty little red head that lives across the hall from you?”

“She used to live across the hall.” He saw the confusion flash across Brett’s features. “She moved out of her apartment. Well, Flower, Vero and I moved her out yesterday. All of her stuff is being stored in Marc’s garage and when she gets back from her huge business trip, the four of us are going to go look for a house.”

“Is that why you’ve been so bummed lately?”

Jordan shrugged. “I guess that’s part of it.”

“What else is bothering you?” Brett asked while handing Jordan plates and utensils.

“She’s not here.” He took the dishes and started setting them around the table. “It’s weird. I have no one to pick up at the end of the day. No one to talk to about the stupid things Sid and Max do during practice. I guess I feel like I just lost that connection that made my life interesting.”

“When was the last time you talked to her?” Brett asked, handing him three wine glasses.

“It’s been awhile,” Jordan sighed. “She was in Dallas last time we talked and it wasn’t even for that long. Why am I even talking about this?”

Brett chuckled and shook her head. She moved the food into serving dishes as Jordan finished with the table.

“I kind of feel like we should be in our pajamas and sitting in the living room with pillows.”

“What?” Brett asked, laughing.

“Isn’t that what happens when girls have sleepovers?”

“You live in such a man’s world,” Brett muttered. “We don’t all sit around gossiping and painting our nails.”

“Coming from you, that’s not surprising.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Brett placed her hands on her hips and look at the man expectantly.

“You know,” Jordan sputtered. “You’re, you know, um, competitive?”

“Fine, I’ll give you that.” Brett rolled her eyes and walked to the doorway. “Kris, Russell, its supper time.” She turned back to the tall blonde. “This discussion is not over, but for now help me move this food to the dining room.”

Jordan nodded and obeyed the order given by the small brunette.

Supper went by without a hitch. The small talk between the three adults seemed meaningless, but it made Jordan happy that, at least for the night, he had found someone to fill the void left by Simone.

Once they finished, Jordan started gathering the dishes and carried them to the kitchen.

“You can leave them if you want,” a voice came from behind him. “I can do them tomorrow or something.”

Jordan shrugged. “I don’t mind. Besides, you invited me over, the least I can do is the dishes.”

Kris nodded and started putting the leftover food into containers for the fridge. “You and Brett had quite a long talk tonight.”

“She’s a great girl, Tanger. You’re lucky to have her in your life.”

“She sure is something else,” Kris sighed. He pulled the drying rack out of a cupboard and set it on the counter for Jordan, who had started washing dishes. “You know I have a dish washer, right?”

“Yea, I forgot until I had the sink filled.”

Kris nodded again and sat on the bar stool that Jordan had occupied earlier that evening. “How long has it been?”

“Excuse me?” Jordan looked over at the dark haired man.

“How long have you liked Simone?”

“What makes you think I like Simone?”

“Come on Jordan. You make it pretty obvious, even Sid has noticed. Why do you think Max keeps teasing you?”

As Jordan was about to defend himself, the doorbell rang. “Go answer your door,” he muttered turning back to the sink to quickly finish the dishes.

Once Kris was gone, Jordan sighed. He had been very careful to hide any feelings that had been discovered. With Simone in a long term relationship with Zach, he knew he had no choice but to cover up his true feelings. Now that she was single, his hidden emotions had started to resurface.

Placing the last dish on the drying rack, Jordan drained the sink, dried his hands and made his way quietly to the living room. He sat his long body on the floor next to Russell, who was playing with some yellow trucks. “Sid,” Jordan acknowledged with a nod. “How are you Theresa?”

The couple smiled at the man from their spot on Kris’ plush love seat. They were holding hands and looked like a perfect couple from where Jordan sat.

“Things are great!” Theresa exclaimed. “I found out where I would be doing my residency the other day.”

“That’s awesome,” Jordan smiled sincerely. “Where were you placed?”

“The Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,” Theresa said proudly.

“You’re going to be the hot nurse for all those teenage boys who come in,” Jordan laughed, picking up one of Russell’s toys. He spun one of the wheels, absentmindedly, with his finger.

“Don’t judge,” Theresa said, sticking her tongue out at him. “Just because you’re not smart enough to have a different career doesn’t mean you have to pick on me.”

“I’ll have you know, I have a great deal of intelligence, Theresa,” Jordan said smugly.

“That’s right,” Kris joined in. “He knows his ABCs and how to count to 100.”

“Not cool, Tanger,” Jordan mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.

“He’s already had his cool moment for the day,” Sid teased. “He invited you over, didn’t he?”

Kris scowled at his captain and stood from the couch he and Brett were occupying. Do you guys want anything? I’ve got wine, beer, juice, water.”

“Was that wine any good?” Jordan asked, turning to Brett. “I would have had some, but I’m not partial to that type of booze.”

“I’m going to take that as a no,” Kris grunted, leaving the room.

“It was really good,” Brett told him. “There is still some left if you want.”

“I think I’ll pass,” Jordan said. He put down the truck that he had been playing with as his phone started to ring. Looking at the screen, he felt a smile spread across his lips. “I’ve got to take this. I’ll be right back.” He quickly got up and pressed the answer. Putting the phone to his ear, he heard Brett whisper something about Simone. He rolled his eyes and went into the hallway. “Long time no talk.”

“Hey, are you busy?”

“Not overly,” Jordan replied. “I’m at Tanger’s with Sid, Theresa, Brett and her son. Why? What’s up?”

“I can’t talk long, the game is going to start soon, but I thought I should give you a call.”

“Which game?”

“Edmonton versus Washington.”

“And who might you be cheering for, Simone?”

“Shut it,” she hissed. “How was practice today?”

“It was alright. I was there early.”

“What? Why?”

“Without you here, I get bored, so I went to the rink to work on, well, everything.”

“I see. Anyway, are you guys still planning on going out Tuesday night?”

“I’m not sure,” Jordan frowned. “TK will probably be planning something and since you told Max you would, he’ll have something up his sleeve too.”

Jordan waited for her to speak, but heard talking in the background instead.

“Jordan, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you soon, I promise.”

“Alright, Simone,” Jordan said, trying to sound happy. “Have fun tonight.”

“Thank you. Bonne nuit, Jordan.”

“Bonne nuit, Simone,” Jordan murmured. With a sigh, he pushed his phone back into his pocket and returned to the living room.

“You look happy,” Theresa joked, earning a bitter look from Jordan. “Damn, who died?”

“Someone died?” Kris questioned, sitting beside Brett once more. He threw an arm across the back of the couch.

“No one died,” Jordan growled. “It’s just some personal stuff.” He caught Brett’s eye, who gave him a caring smile. Sitting down next to Russell once more, Jordan picked up the truck he had been holding earlier. He started moving it back and forth along Kris’ hardwood flooring.

“No!” Russell screamed, startling the group. “Wussell!” The boy pointed at the toy in Jordan’s hand and frowned.

Jordan looked at Brett with wide eyes and handed the yellow object to the toddler. “What was that?”

“He’s never done that before,” Brett confessed with a shrug of her shoulders. “I guess he wanted your toy.”

Jordan looked back at the small child next to him. The boy was smiling now and pushing his toys into each other. “Why didn’t he get mad when I had it before?”

Again, Brett shrugged. “He’s like nine months old, Staalsy. I really don’t know what his thoughts are. Honestly, I don’t even know what he wants half of the time.”

“When will he start to talk?”

“That was talking.”

“No, I mean, when will you be able to understand what he wants?”

“I don’t know,” Brett said. “He’s my first kid. I’m as new to this as anyone else in the same situation.”

“I doubt that anyone is in exactly the same situation as you,” Theresa put in.

“What do you mean? There are other single mothers in the world, probably even in the city,” Brett reminded her.

“I mean, I doubt that there is anyone else who is a single mother, working for a hockey, and has a very handsome man helping her every step of the way.”

“There’s a handsome man helping me?” Brett joked.

“That handsome man would be the hockey player sitting next to you on that lovely couch,” Sid informed her with a smirk.

Brett rolled her eyes and looked up at Kris. She giggled when she noticed that his cheeks had turned red. “Hockey player? Check. Lovely couch? Check. Handsome? I suppose that’s pretty accurate.” She glanced over at the clock that sat on a shelf. “I should probably get Russell off to bed. Do you mind if I put him down in the spare bed?”

“Not at all,” Kris said, shaking his head. “You know better than to ask.”

Brett nodded and picked up her son, who started kicking and screaming. “I might be longer than usual. It might be hard to get him down tonight.”

“Do you want help?” Jordan asked, picking up the toys that were left on the floor. He noticed both Kris and Sidney raise an eyebrow at him, but chose to ignore the gesture.

“Sure, if you think you can help,” Brett said, walking out of the room.

Jordan quickly followed and made his way up the stairs behind her. “I’m not certain I’ll be able to do anything helpful, but I want your help planning something.”

“Alright.” Brett led him into Kris’ guest bedroom and put Russell on the floor.

Jordan placed the toys next to him and helped Brett set up the portable crib that was in the room. He assumed it was something that Kris had bought especially for nights like this where they had to put Russell to bed before Brett planned on going home.

“I take it your phone call didn’t go as planned,” Brett said as she lifted her son. She held him against her body and bounced him, trying to make him sleepy.

Jordan shook his head. “Not at all. We didn’t really talk. She called to say hi, basically, and then she was gone. She’s at the Edmonton game.” He glanced at his watch. “She wanted to know if we were still going out Tuesday night after we get to Ottawa.”

“Are you?”

“I’m not sure what TK and Max are planning, but I don’t know if I want to go out.”

“Right, but you want help with something?”

“I had a thought after I got off the phone.”

“That’s a first,” Brett smirked.

Jordan gave her an unimpressed look.

“What were you thinking?” Brett asked, looking to see if her son had fallen asleep. She lowered him slowly into the crib, careful not to wake him. Placing a finger to her lips, she motioned for Jordan to follow her. Once they were outside the room, she shut the door and looked at Jordan.

“I was thinking, maybe I should take her out.” He studied Brett’s face, trying to read what she was thinking.

“Like on a date?”

“Well, no, she probably wouldn’t agree to a date, especially since she just got out of a relationship. I was thinking it could be just the two of us, me and her.”

“So a date, but she won’t know it’s a date.”

“How about supper between two friends,” Jordan suggested.

“Call it what you want,” Brett said, turning to go back down the stairs. “I’m calling it a date.” Suddenly, she turned and pointed her finger in the air. “And I know just the thing to make this a perfect first date.”

“It’s not a date,” Jordan muttered in frustration. “But tell me what you had in mind.”

“I will, but first we need to go back down. We need the other three to help us with this one.”
♠ ♠ ♠
bonne nuit - good night