
Oil Country

“Damn, not again.”

“What’s that?”

“My phone beeped again. That’s the seventh time and it’s only been half an hour.”

“Is it someone important?”

“It’s probably just a friend from home.”

“From Edmonton? Is it Eberle?”

“No, I’m not from Edmonton. I guess I should have told you that, sorry.”

“It’s okay. So it not Eberle?”

“No, it’s not Jordan.”

“Where are you from?”

“I’m from a city called Regina. It’s in Saskatchewan, but I live in Pittsburgh.”

“That’s close to Washington.”

“Yea, it is. It’s a little less than five hours.”

“Do you like Pittsburgh?”

“Yea, I do. I like the place I work and my friends are great, well most of the time. What about you? do you like Washington or Arlington, whichever you live?”

“I live in Arlington. Most of the guys do. It’s nice place to live and Washington is fun place to play. Fans are great and the team is fun. You live in Pittsburgh long?”

“It’s been a few years, but I’ve only been working for three months.”

“What do you do?”

“I’m an international business person. Man, I wish I could ask you these questions, too. Why do you have to be famous Capitals’ goaltender Michal Neuvirth?”

Michal laughed through the phone. “You can ask me. I still answer you.”

“Alright, so what do you do for a living, Mr Neuvirth?”

“I play goal for Washington Capitals. What do you do as international business person, Miss Cheaseur?”

“I work for a company and travel a lot.”

“Kind of like me?” Michal asked.

“I guess so, but this time I’m travelling overseas.”

“Where are you going next?”

“Ottawa. I’m going to be there for two days.”

“Ottawa is alright. Have you been before?”

“When I was younger, I went with my family. We took a trip around Ontario and saw Niagara Falls.”

“That sounds nice. You close with your family?”

“I used to be, you know, when I was still living in Canada.” Simone sighed and sat herself on the bed in her hotel room. She glanced at the television. Upon noticing the black screen, she hit the power button on the remote. She turned the channel to the Weather Network.

“Did something happen?” She heard Michal ask.

Unsure what to say, Simone sat in silence. Thoughts filled her mind as she tried to determine whether or not to tell the man something so personal.

“I’m sorry, Simone, I didn’t mean to ask such personal question.”

“Aw, Michal, it’s alright. I guess it’s just that the memories aren’t happy,” Simone told him. “We’re having such a nice conversation, I’m not sure if I want to dampen the mood by telling you what happened with my family.”

“Then don’t tell me,” Michal replied. “Whenever you feel comfortable, you can tell me.”

“Thanks, Michal. Can I ask you something?”

“Yea, of course,” She could imagine the brunette nodding.

“Do you have siblings?”

“I have two sisters. What about you?”

“I have one sister. Do you talk to your family a lot?”

“I try,” Michal confessed. “It hard with hockey and everything.”

“I understand that.”

“It must be hard with Eberle as your friend. You both seem busy. Are you friends with any Penguins?”

“I’m friends with all of them. Jordan Staal and I have lived across from each other for awhile. They are great guys.”

“You think so?” Michal asked with a smirk evident in his voice.

“Yea, I do. They were really helpful when...” Simone’s voice trailed off as she realised what she was about to tell him.

“Are you okay?” Michal asked sincerely.

“Uh, yea, I’m alright, sorry. What I was about to tell you I haven’t actually told anyone who wasn’t there. Once I tell you, I suppose it becomes more of a reality.”

“Was it something bad?”

“What would you say if I told you it involved to police?” Simone questioned curiously.

“I would probably think you’re not the good girl I think you are.”

“I wouldn’t want to distort your image of me,” Simone joked. “But seriously, the officer didn’t want anything to do with me, except answers to his stupid questions.”

“Will you tell me what happen?” Michal asked with a pout.

Simone laughed. “Since you said it like that, how can I resist? What is with you guys from across the ocean? You throw one puppy dog look and everything you want is yours.”

“You can’t see me,” Michal reminded her.

“I can hear it in your voice. Now do you want the long version or the short version?”

“Um, whichever you want to tell,” Michal said before letting a yawn slip. “Actually, make it the short version; I think I need sleep soon.”

“Just don’t fall asleep during my story because I’m not telling you again,” Simone warned.

“I won’t,” Michal promised.

Simone quickly told him about the events that took place after the last Penguin game she had attended. She mentioned that she had told Zach that she would be at Jordan’s, but decided to go somewhere else. Briefly, she explained what Jordan had said and what Zach had accused her of. She ended with retelling what had happened in the bedroom that night.

It took a great deal of strength for her not to cry as the memories flooded in. She had been careful not to tell any of her friends in Pittsburgh exactly what happened, since the memories were still painful and the bruises were still slightly visible.

By now the bruises had turned a yellowy colour, which was easier to hide. After meeting with the Oilers’ doctor the next day, she was sure she was going to be fine.

“Wow, Simone, I’m so sorry,” Michal’s voice broke the silence that was left after she had finished. “Are you okay?”

“I’m alright. I have really great friends in Pittsburgh who are helpful in making me forget. I should let you go, Michal. You must be tired after tonight’s game.”

“A little.”

“You were amazing by the way. And thanks for talking with me.”

“Anytime. Thank you for answering your phone.”

“Of course, I have no reason not to.”

Michal chuckled and suddenly stopped. “Can I call you again, maybe sometime soon?”

Simone paused to think about the question. A smile spread across her face. “I’d like that.”

“Good night Simone.”

“Good night Michal.”

She hung up her phone and let her body fall back onto the bed from her sitting position. It was hard for her to believe that she had told something so personal to someone she had just met.

She had to admit, although he didn’t flaunt it like Ryan, Michal had a certain charm about him. Simone wasn’t sure if it was his personality or the fact that he was foreign that made him more appealing to her. Whatever it was, she could honestly say that she was glad she had made a new friend.

Sitting up suddenly, she reached for her phone beside her. She called her voice mail, remembering that there had been several beeps while she was talking with Michal.

“You have one new message, to play this message, press one one.”

Simone followed the instructions and returned the phone to her ear.

“Hey, Simone, sorry I called so many times, I really wanted to talk. Anyway, call me back when you get this, it’s important. Oh, and I like your answering message thing. Right, so call me back. Bye.”

She smiled at the message and checked the time to see if Jordan would still be up. Deciding that it was likely he was, she dialled his number.

“Bonjour?” a groggy male voice filled her ear as the forth ring was about to sound.

“Bonjour, Marc,” she replied in a cheery voice. “Ça va?”

“Bien, et toi?” the French Canadian said through a yawn.

“Très bien, merci. Why are you answering Jordan’s phone?”

“It was ringing and he won’t wake up to answer it.”

“Work harder to wake him, I’m returning his call.”


“Yes, Marc, it’s Simone.”

“Okay, hold on, Jordan has something important to talk to you about.”

“I figured,” Simone mumbled with a roll of his eyes. She patiently waited for someone’s voice to fill her ear. There was a grunt and a loud crash from the other end, causing Simone to wonder if the measures Marc-Andre was taking to wake his teammate would end with Jordan in the hospital.

“What the fuck was that for, Fleury?”

Simone giggled at Jordan’s voice.

“Dude, Simone’s on the phone, now’s your chance.” Marc-Andre’s voice sounded.

“Well, why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” Jordan asked, his voice getting louder.

“Your phone woke me up, Dumby. Just talk to her. I’m going home, Vero’s probably wondering why I’m not there.”

“See you, Flower. Hello?”

Simone froze for a second by Jordan’s suddenly loud voice.

“Simone, are you there?” His voice sounded concerned.

“Yea, sorry, you startled me,” Simone confessed. “Why was Marc over?”

“Vero was working late and he called when I was leaving Tanger’s.”

“You were at Kris’, like when I called you earlier?”

“Yea, I had supper with him, Brett and her son. Then Crosby and Theresa came over and we hung out.”

“That’s nice of Kris, not that Kris is ever mean.”

“Right, anyway, I was thinking, instead of going out with the team Tuesday night, you and I hang out. We’ll go for supper and stuff.”

“Jordan, that sounds really nice and I’d love to,” Simone said, sadness lacing her voice.


“I’d like to see the other guys too. It wouldn’t be a huge deal if this wasn’t the last time I’d see you all before I leave for over a month.”

“Hear me out, okay? I’ve been putting a lot of thought into this. Before I take you for supper, we can meet with the guys you want to see, all of them if you want. Then I’ll take you out for supper and I have some other things planned but they are a surprise.”

“You did put a lot of thought into this,” Simone mused. “Jordan, that’s really sweet, especially since you don’t put much thought into anything except hockey.”

“Thanks for that,” Jordan muttered. “So, do you want to, or would you rather party with the guys?”

“I’d definitely rather spend time with you rather than party with Max,” Simone told him. “What do I tell the guys?”

“About what?” Jordan asked.

“About ditching them for you,” Simone replied. “I’ve told you before, Tyler is getting jealous and I think the team is suspicious.”

“TK will get over it and as for the team, who cares what they think. This will be my last day with you until you’re back from Europe and you were my friend first.”

Simone laughed and shook her head. “Could you be anymore childish?”

“Probably, you weren’t there tonight while Flower was over.”

“I can only imagine what happened.”

“He ate all of my carrots,” Jordan complained.

“Poor thing,” Simone cooed, jokingly. “So, can I call you tomorrow? I have a conference at an early hour and I’m sure you have morning skate, so we should probably get some sleep.”

“Alright, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. And thanks, Simone.”

“For what?”

“For calling me back. I know your busy and have better things to do, but it’s good to hear from you.”

“Hey, I’d always return your calls, Jordan.”


“Good night, Jordan.”

“Good night, Simone, sweet dreams,” he paused for a second before lowering his voice. “I miss you.”

Simone smiled to herself and whispered her response before hanging up. “I miss you, too.”