

"She's not coming." The voice broke his thoughts. He looked to his right and found his friend looking at him.

"Who?" He asked.


"I don't know what you're talking about" He shook his head and turned his attention to the game.

"Whatever dude, but you better get your head back in the game before Coach benches you."

Jordan gave his teammate a quick nod before hopping over the boards and onto the ice. He followed the puck into the opponents end. Quickly picking up the puck, he avoided a check and sent a pass back to the blue-line for one of the defensemen. He moved into position as the defenseman made a pass to Shawn, who looked up to find Jordan wide open.

It was as if everything had changed to slow motion as Jordan watched the puck slide across the ice. He readied himself for a one-timer, pulling his arm back. He paused for a second at the top of his swing, waiting for the perfect moment. As he brought his stick forward, he heard a satisfying smack when his stick made contact with the puck. The whistle blew and the red lamp lit up.

Unable to contain his excitement, Jordan pumped his fist in the air as his teammates gathered around to congratulate him. The celebration didn't last long, as everything around Jordan went black.