

He watched her dance around in the sun. Her hair seemed to be more vibrant than it had been last time he saw her. The yellow earrings had been replaced with small silver ones. Her floral dress swayed with every movement. As she danced around on the green grass, he sat on a blanket. He continued to take in her appearance. Watching carefully as her bare feet touched the ground rhythmically. Her toes were painted a bright green. He smiled, remembering a time when his his best friend would start dancing because she was bored. His smile faded quickly as he wished he could go back to the day he left.

The girl broke his thoughts as she started to hum. He recognized the tune. It was the song his best friend used to sing every day on the way home from school.

He sent the beautiful girl in front of him a smile and continued to watch her prance around. He noticed her lips move, but no words escaped. He tilted his head to the side in confusion, hoping she would repeat what she said. Instead, she turned away from him and started running through the grass. He wasn't sure where she was going, but his body wouldn't let him follow.

She called to him. "Jordan." Her voice sounded like a whisper. "Jordan, come with me."

This time, his body moved. He followed behind the girl, taking in her movements. Her red hair bounced with every stride as she bounded toward a road. He continued to walk behind her, smiling at any similarities he noticed. As she neared the road, he noticed a vehicle out of the corner of his eye. His body froze as she stepped out onto the pavement. At that exact moment, the vehicle made contact with her fragile body, sending her flying.

His legs began to carry him faster than he ever remembered going. When he reached her, he knelt down and pulled her into his lap. He could feel the tears fall as he looked at her face. Blood trickled from her forehead.

"Jordan," she whispered. Her eyes began to close.

He looked at her, expecting her to say more. He could feel her breathing weaken.

"Jordan." Her voice was more urgent. "Jordan," she said again; her voice louder. "Jordan." This time it wasn't her voice. The voice was still urgent and loud.

His eyes fluttered open when he realized who was talking. "I saw her again." His voice came out cracked and quiet.


"I saw her again, Taylor." Jordan's voice was louder now. "She was dancing around in the grass. She led me away and..." His voice faded as he remembered her bloody face.

"Look, buddy, the only female that has been here has is your mother, so I don't have any idea what you're talking about." Taylor studied his friend carefully. "I'm going to go get a doctor. You seem to be hallucinating."

"I'm not seeing things, Taylor," Jordan argued. "The girl from the bar; she was there."