

"I remember looking for her, talking to Taylor and getting on the ice." He watched the doctor give Taylor a questioning look. "That's all I can remember before," he paused, looking at his friend. "Before waking up here."

"You said you were looking for someone?" The doctor peered through the round glasses perched on the end of his nose. "Who were you looking for?"

"I don't know," Jordan replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Lindsay." It was the first time Taylor had talked since Jordan woke up.

"Who's Lindsay?" The doctor asked.

"She's my girlfriend. We are in a bit of a fight, but I wasn't looking for her." Jordan's eyes seemed to go foggy as her tried to remember who he was looking for.

"What do you mean that's not who you were looking for?" The doctor asked.

Jordan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I wasn't looking for Lindsay. She said I could find her if I wanted to talk, so I knew she wouldn't be at the game."

"I see." The doctor nodded and started writing something on the medical pad. "So, who was this girl you were looking for?"

Jordan shrugged and looked at Taylor again. The two of them sharing a wordless conversation.

"What do you mean? You don't shrug your shoulders when you are asked a question. I thought we taught you better manners." His mother had gone from silent to almost yelling at him in the blink of an eye.

"I don't know who she is," Jordan told her.

"How do you not know who you are looking for? You better not be stalking anyone, Jordan. I swear to God, I will not be paying to bail your ass out of jail." His mother's face was flaming red with anger.

"I'm not stalking anyone," Jordan sighed, hoping his mom would calm down. "I was out with the guys a few weeks back and I met this girl. She had beautiful red hair and sweet brown eyes. I felt like I knew her, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't who I thought she was." Jordan shook his head. "She left before I got her name. That's why I don't know who she is."

"And you were looking for her?" The doctor sounded surprised, but his face continued to hold no emotions.

"I know it's stupid, but I keep expecting her to show up." Jordan looked at his mom before looking to see Taylor's reaction. He had told Taylor everything from how he thought she was his best friend to who his best friend was to how he wished he could have a second chance at the night all those weeks ago.

Taylor gave him a small smile that quickly faded when Jordan's mom sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Jordan, honey, you can't be chasing someone you don't know. I doubt you are going to see her if you haven't seen her in a few weeks. It's not like she is going to appear out of thin air. You have to forget about her, make up with Lindsay and continue to live your life." His mother gave his hand a light squeeze.

"You don't understand," Jordan muttered.

"I'm going to go get some of your test results," the doctor announced before disappearing from the room.

"Maybe you should call her," Taylor suggested.

"Call her?" Jordan's mother looked between the two boys waiting for an explanation. "You better start talking." She gave her son a warning look.

"I think I'm going to leave you two to talk." Taylor started toward the door.

"Oh no you don't." Jordan gave him a threatening look. "You're staying here. That way there is a witness when she murders me."

Taylor raised an eyebrow at his friend before taking a seat in the corner.

"The girl I met gave me her number, but I haven't called it." Jordan paused to see if his mom had anything to say. When she stayed silent he continued. "When we first started talking, she reminded me of Samo. I don't know if it was just the red hair or what, but I got this feeling that it was her. The more I studied the girl, the more things I noticed about her that told me it wasn't Samo."

"Samo?" His mother gave him a questioning look. "That lovely girl you brought home from Regina a couple of times when you played there?"

Jordan nodded. "But it wasn't her. I mean, she would have remembered me, right?"

"You told me you haven't seen her in four years, Jord. There are people I'm sure I should know, but probably wouldn't recognize if they showed up right now." All eyes turned to Taylor as he gave his opinion. "Besides, you're pretty famous around here, maybe she thought you would have pinned her for some fan."

"I guess your right," Jordan said. "It's just weird that they looked so similar."

"I suggest, as your mother that you forget about this girl and focus on your career and your girlfriend. Now, I'm going to go talk to the doctor and find out when you can be released."

Once his mother left the room, Jordan rubbed his hands down his face. He looked worried and tired. "What am I going to do?"

"Look, man. Don't worry about it. You mom just doesn't want to visit you in jail. For some reason, I got the feeling that she thinks jail is worst than the hospital." Taylor watched as hid friend tried to fight off a smile. "Seriously, you just need to focus on getting healthy enough to play again. In the meantime, I'll help you get Lindsay back. That is, if you want her back."

Jordan tilted his head confused. "What do you mean if I want her back? Of course I do!" His voice held a hint of anger. He couldn't believe his best friend was suggesting such a thing.

"I'm not saying you don't." Taylor held up his hands in defense. "It's just that you've had the entire week to fix things and you haven't even made an effort."

"Well excuse me, Mr. My-Life-Is-Perfect. I get that you have the perfect girlfriend, who doesn't care if you talk to another girl or dance with some puck bunny." Jordan's face was red and his words were harsh. He hardly got angry, but when he did, it wasn't pretty. "Not everyone has the perfect life. You know what else? You're not the one who has been constantly wondering whether or not you remet your past best friend. You're not the one who had a huge fight with his girlfriend because you talked to someone. You're not the one who is laying in a hospital bed trying to figure out what the fuck happened between the time you stepped out onto the ice and the time you woke up in this place. And you're definitely not the one wondering why you fainted. So don't even start with how I had a week to talk to Lindsay because I don't have my entire life planned out like you do."

Taylor stood at the foot of the bed, shocked by Jordan's outburst. "Wow." The word was barely audible in the stale silence.

"Shit," Jordan mumbled. He covered his face with his hand. "Taylor, I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have said any of that."

"Don't worry about it." Taylor shook his head. "I get it. You've been stressed and stuff lately. You needed a release."

"That's no excuse," Jordan argued. "I was out of line. I didn't mean a word of it."

Taylor opened his mouth to reply, but quickly snapped it shut when the door opened and Jordan's mother walked in, followed by the doctor.