Sequel: Captain Diapers
Status: FIN! But read its sequel!

Caught In The Middle

Chapter 12

Dawn was beginning to break in Mackinac Island as I started to stretch my legs. However, I realized I’m lying on a garden bench with someone’s lap supporting my head. When I turned over and looked up, I see TJ sleeping; his head tilt to the right. I remember one time during college, someone saw TJ sleeping in the hallway after having too much to drink and starting to draw on his face. I smiled at him as look at his rosy cheeks and his light brown hair framing his face. I can look at this face all day.

I know everyone is going to look for me so I slowly got up and straighten my dress. I don’t want to leave TJ like this but I know I have to get ready. I left a simple kiss on his forehead before making my way back to the cottage. By the time I’ve reached the last step, I saw a weary Candace awake on one of the chairs.

“You’re not good at doing the ‘walk of shame’, sis.” Candace said while clutching on her coffee. “But don’t worry, I told Daddy that you slept in Justine’s room because you couldn’t stand Memom’s snoring.” I sat on the adjacent chair and took in the beauty of the sunrise. “I’m sorry about the other day at the spa. I miss Mom so much.”

“I miss her too. I think about her every day.” I slipped off my flip flops and placed my feet on the railing. “So why are you up so early? You don’t have that hair appointment until 2pm.”

“I’m nervous, Mally.” Candace admits for the first time since she got engaged. “I’ve always envisioned my wedding day to be the happiest day of my life. I shouldn’t be nervous but I am.”

“You love Brayden. You guys are well matched together despite your financial differences.”

“It’s not about the money, Mally.” Candace got up and leans on the railing. “It’s so many other things. He can be very boring. Even the sex at times was boring.”

“A little too much info don’t you think?”

“Sorry. I just realized when I woke up this morning; I’m marrying a man who is slowly turning me into one of those high society trophy wives. Sooner or later he’ll want me to stay home and raise our kids while he makes all the money. I got into law school so I can make a living for myself.”

“Maybe you should think about going through all this if you’re having doubts.”

“It’s only that. I feel like ever since I got engaged, I’m not who I am anymore. I’m a total brat.”

“More like Bridezilla, Candace.”

“Okay I deserve that. I don’t know what to do.”

“Candy, I could tell you to go ahead and marry him or just run. But this is a decision you have to make on your own. You have to do what’s best for you.”

“You’re always the wise one. No wonder why Skylar prefer to look up to you and not me.”

“She’s got a bit of the both of us, but Mommy should take all the credit.” I got up and gave my big sister a hug. “You’re going to be okay.”

“I hope so. Mal, I need to tell you something. Please don’t get mad.” As I nod to my sister, Dad came from inside and joined us on the patio.

“Ah aren’t my beautiful daughters seeing one last sunrise before the wedding?” Dad wrapped his arm around us. “Mallory, you slept well with Justine?”

“Ummmm yeah I did.” I lied as I knew Candace covered for me. “Luckily she and her boyfriend didn’t have sex on my presence.”

“Good because we have a guest joining us for breakfast.” We walked back into the cottage, only to see Jonathan sitting with Mamom and Skylar in the dining room. Jonathan gave me a wave as I sighed and walked over to my room. “Mal, come back here. Girls, do something.”

“Don’t look at me, I’m just eating breakfast.” I heard Skylar said as I was opening the door. “By the way, I’m going to Minnesota next year.” Whoa, that was random.


After I slept for a few hours, I woke up again to start getting ready for the wedding. When I checked my phone for the time, I have an incoming text message from Jonathan to meet him by the gazebo at 12:30pm since he went back to start getting ready. I want to send TJ a text but I’m sure he went back to his room and slept.

My hair and makeup appointment was at 11:30am so I stood at the chair as the stylist and makeup artist gets me ready. The stylist placed my blonde hair into a soft updo, adding a single crystal pin as an added touch. After I put on my dress and jewelry, I walked over to the gazebo to see Jonathan there. While I wish it was TJ standing there, I knew I have to clear this once and for all.

“Always punctual, eh?” I climbed up the stairs and gave him a hug. “Sorry about earlier. I’m annoyed my dad is playing matchmaker.”

“Your dad’s looking after your best interest.” Jonathan smiled as he looked at me. “You look beautiful today.”

“Thanks. Not bad yourself. I have to go back and help Candace so it has to be quick.”

“I know. Mallory, I need to know this right now before I go any further.”

“What is it?” At that moment Jonathan grabbed and kisses me very deeply. It was the first time since our breakup but unlike the kisses in the past, I felt nothing. It was more than confirmation that I have no romantic feelings for Jonathan left. I pulled away from him, upset that he even did that to me. “What the hell was that? You know what… forget it, Jonathan. I thought we went over this.” I started to walk back to the cottage, determined to get his kiss off of me.

“Mal!” I heard Jonathan called me from a distance but didn’t want to hear any of it. “Mal, you don’t understand!”

As I walked into the cottage, I see Candace getting her hair ready while Skylar was having her makeup done. I look at them in disgust as I went back to the room and slammed the door.
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I just wanna say that thanks for everyone who's been sticking by me the past 48 hours. I had Chapter 11 ready since last night but was afraid to post it here. To the person who is reporting me, please check the stories before you decide to accuse me of something I didn't do.

With that said, is Candace having cold feet? And poor Teej left on the bench sleeping. Anyway, we're getting close to the finish line. Thanks for the support!

Mally the MOH
Somewhere In Time gazebo