Rain, Rain Never Go Away

Dancing in the Rain

The young girl watched the rain hit the window. She was so close to the outside; her nose was flattened against the glass between them. She longed to be out there. She wanted to feel the rain on her skin, hitting her hair. She just wanted the rain. It had been weeks since it rained. That meant that the young girl hadn’t had a good day since. Rainy days meant a good day. That’s how it worked in her world and she didn’t mind it at all. Everything good happened when it rained, including the day is was born.

She ran her fingers over the glass barrier. Sighing, she stood up to make her way downstairs. She knew her parents wouldn’t let her go outside, so she would just have to sneak out side. Hearing the patter of the rain hitting the old house she lived in made her go faster down the stairs. She rushed to the closet to fish out her raincoat and rain boots. Still putting them on, she flung herself out of the door. Smiling, she out reached her arms, looking up the sky, thanking God for the rain that was falling on her now.
She danced to the rhythm of the rain. She sang the rain’s song. She let the thunder join in the beautiful melody. She twirled around, mouthing the words that she knew so well. She watched as the lighting came to light up the sky for her. There was one thing she loved more than rain.


She could always fall asleep to storms. It was her weakness. She had tabs on when it was going to be a big storm. The young girl knew she would never be able to stay inside during that day. She would inform her parents in hopes that they would understand if she stayed outside all day. Her obsession with the rain and storms worried them but there was nothing they could do. She had become hooked to everything about it the day she was born.
She jumped into a puddle, laughing. She didn’t mind that the rain water went to her boots or that she was wet from head to toe. As long as she had the rain with her she didn’t care for much at all. She felt invincible as she enjoyed the rain for today. She was living in moment. That’s what the rain made her do. The young girl would forget her studies and all her worries for a day to enjoy God’s gift. Some don’t think that the rain is a gift at all. She thinks those people are crazy. How could anyone hate rain? It was amazing without the thunder or the lighting joining it.

The rain soaked the already wet ground. The grass turned into mud as the concrete turned darker. There was nothing that wasn’t wet. The rain had captured everything in its wake. The young girl danced around her yard. She didn’t see the neighbors looking through their windows at her. They always thought she was a little off but seeing her dancing only proved it to them. She didn’t care what people thought of her while she was in the rain. This was her place, her time to relax; to be carefree like everyone else. She didn’t know how long she was out there. To her it seemed like only a couple of minutes, but to everyone else it was hours. The front door opened, but the girl didn’t noticed. She was dancing.

“Skylar, get in this house right now. You’re going to catch a cold,” the girl’s mother screamed for the doorway.

Skylar looked at her mom, surprised. She didn’t want to go in but she knew her mother wouldn’t let up unless she did. Stopping her singing and dance, she returned to the house. She stopped in the doorway to look back at the beautiful scene before. The sky was pouring down the rain and everything was wet and shining as the sun began to come out.

“Until next time, my rain. Please never go away,” she sang her goodbye to the rain, hoping it would hear her.

The door closed as the girl walked inside. She silently wished it would rain tomorrow. Only if it rain tomorrow.
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i wrote this like a month ago and i never got around to posting it so i decided to now. enjoy!