Love Letters

Discussion #2


Discussion In Mr. Cross's English Class:
Date: October 21st, 2009
Echo and Shiloh's English 2.


Mr. Cross: Okay my wonderful students, in-class writing assignment!
Hey now, no groaning! You don't even know the topic yet!

Student: Is this for a grade?

Mr. Cross: Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?

Student: Hey, Mr. Cross! What's the topic?

Mr. Cross: I'm getting there. Okay, I want you all to write--for the rest of the period--about Love.
Hey, hey, see? I told you. Now, you can write whatever you'd like. Short stories, poems, article, whatever pleases you.

Mr. Cross: Oh! And be sure to label what it is your writing so I know how to grade it before hand.

Student: I don't understand, what can we write about?

Mr. Cross: Well, let's see... Kissing, dating, relationships, the meaning, etcetera. And yes, my dear children, that means I'll tolerate sex if you feel it's necessary. Now, any questions? Yes? No? Echo?

Echo: What?

Mr. Cross: Come up here, please. Everyone else get started you have until the bell rings for lunch, that's about an hour! So get going!

Echo: What is it?

Mr. Cross: Where's Shiloh? I didn't think I'd ever see the day when one of you missed my class.

Echo: Oh, haha. I'm not quite sure why, but he said he wasn't coming to class for some reason.

Mr. Cross: Skipping?

Echo: Oh no, no. That isn't like him.

Mr. Cross: Yes, you're quite right, now that I think about it...

Echo: I presume it must be something important, he loves this class.

Mr. Cross: It also seems weird you don't know why or where he is. You two seem pretty close so I assumed...

Echo: Oh! Yeah, we're just really good friends. Heh-heh. But, um, yeah...I'm not really sure what's up with him. Guess we'll just have to see...

Mr. Cross: Yes we shall, now hurry and start your work.