Love Letters

Document #1


Paper Written By: Echo Strife
Dated: October 21st, 2009
English 2 Assignment
Love Is Far Beyond Corruption
(Short Story)


Beautifully-disastrous desires dripping endlessly from my lips. Oozing petal-like secrets. Delicate and lustrous.
His lips press to mine, a playful touch, taunting me to join his game.
"You worried?" He whispers, connecting two of the many puzzle pieces, our hands.
"Should I be?" I breathe, releasing a distant scent of mint.
Smirks, slipping a sly hand up my shirt, a trail of warmth left behind. Out of instinct, I bite his lip, a tease to get him to hurry.
"Kiss me, shithead."

Lips Heaven graced, move with mine, tremble with mine, explore mine. Tongue like a serpent slithers into my mouth, wraps itself around mine, suffocates me with pleasure.
He moans when I caress my hand around his thigh. Sounds so unfamiliar fill the room, it makes me go crazy. My heart is beating inside my head, his presence makes my mouth water. I just can't seem to get enough of him.
"Ah," I moan when his hand finds its way down my jeans.

Never did I think I'd be surrounded by warmth.
Never did I think I'd find such pleasure in twisted ways.
Never did I think I would be the one to take so much. Never have I been one to take and not give anything back. I've always been give, give, give. That was my way of life, that's my personality. So how could someone like him change my world so completely?
When did I give my innocence a twisted, revolting turn?

"Ah! ...oh. Sh-"
"Relax, let me put it in."
"D-don't say it aloud, dumbass!"
"Hehe, you're so cute."
Pain has never felt so good. Sounds, wallow in my head. Words I never dared to say out loud, are being whispered between our sweet sighs. Touch. Why has it become so important? Without his touch it feels like I might die.
He hasn't let go of my hand yet. I'm glad. A few more pieces are placed together. Our lips and...I'm pretty sure you can guess the next.
Soon we'll be one giant picture, flawless to the last detail.

Even though I'm sweating my cheeks still feel cold.
"You're crying... Am I going to fast?"
"Ah, no. Please...don't...stop..." What he doesn't know is, I'm crying because I love him so dearly. I don't ever plan to tell him, I'm too afraid he'll leave if I do. Too afraid to cling to something that isn't even worth my attention.
"I love you." He whispers, so flawless, not even a stutter. How can he say something full of twisted meanings, so easily?
"Don't say that!"
"But I love you."
"I love you, Hiro."
"Shut the fuck up!"

Why can he not see, he's tearing me apart? Ripping me to shreds. Making me go insane.
How many more times will he stop my heart?

How long is he here to stay?