Love Letters

Journal Entry #4


From the Journal of: Echo Strife.
Dated: October 21st, 2009
Journal Entry
Behind Every Beautiful Thing,
There is Some Kind of Pain


We still have about twenty minutes left in English 2 that I'm supposed to be using to write. The topic? Love.
The one thing that brings my true form bubbling to the surface. -Sighs-
The top of my paper says "Short Story", but it turned out to be non-fiction. True story I should say. I used my story name "Hiro", but still. I hope Mr. Cross isn't smart enough to make the connection. He'll be pissy at me because it's so short.

In the end, I couldn't bear the memories without wanting to cry.

Shiloh still isn't here, and I'm glad. I could never let him see me on the verge of crying, even if it is because of him.
More than anything I need his arms to hold me together for just a little bit longer.
Is that so bad?

Yes, Echo, it is. You're disgusting. All you care about is yourself when it comes to Shiloh.

No, that's wrong... When it comes to Shiloh no one ever even slips into my mind. Even myself. I'd do anything for him, but I just don't have the balls to say it.
Guess that's what paper and pens are for, right?

Sweet words. Said so carelessly.
Does he aim to break my heart?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I took so long to update.
I have the next few "chapters" pre-written, so I'll post them shortly[: