Love Letters

Journal Entry #5

From the Journal of: Echo Strife.
Dated: October 23rd, 2009
Journal Entry
I Never Knew What I Had
Until The First Day
It Wasn't There.


It's been two days since I've seen Shiloh.

He said he was missing just one class, so why isn't he back yet?

Why did he leave me behind?

Is he sick? Is he okay? Did something happen?

After English 2 I waited for him by the entrance of the school, hoping he'd come through those doors with that adorable smile and we'd get on with life.
He didn't.

I went to gym class thinking he'd meet me there, but he never showed.
I left normally, purposely skipping the after-school meeting with the English teachers, knowing he wouldn't be there.
I even bothered to sit in the diner we always go to, hoping maybe, just maybe, he'd show up.

But again, he didn't.

I've tried his cell a million times. I tried his house, but no one was there.

You know, I realize now that it seems like I've been pushing him away. Neglecting his love. Neglecting him?
Really, I was screaming for more, but he doesn't understand that it's difficult for me to say it.
Oh my God...I'm such an idiot. What if he really is gone forever?
That can't be, I wont except it, I wont.