Love Letters

Conversation #4


Conversation Between:
Echo Strife
Piper Hart
Date: October 23rd, 2009
Strife Household, Early Evening.


Piper: Hey!

Echo: What?

Piper: Where the Hell is it you think you're going?

Echo: Out.

Piper: Where?

Echo: Outside.

Piper: Dammit, Echo. What the fuck are you doing!

Echo: Taking a walk, is that so bad? What's got you so riled up?

Piper: The fact that you have been locked in your room since late Friday afternoon for God's sake! You haven't eaten, you probably haven't bathed either!

Echo: I have a bathroom in there, you know. Jesus, what does it matter to you what I do and don't do?

Piper: I'm worried about you!

Echo: You're not my mom, Piper!

Piper: You're right, I'm not. But I'm trying to be.

Echo: Wanna be like my mom? Go run off with someone none of us have even heard of, abandoning me, leaving me with and outraged Dad who doesn't even love me for who I really am.

Echo: Leave me behind for someone you love more than anyone else, including the ones who have cared for you and loved you.

Piper: Echo! Wai-