Love Letters

Conversation #5


Conversation Between:
Echo Strife
Shiloh Levine
Date: October 23rd, 2009
Late Evening.


Shiloh: Echo? That you?

Echo: Shiloh?! Where the fuck have you been? I was worried!

Shiloh: Why? You knew I was going to be gone.

Echo: You said one class, Shiloh. One fucking class! It's been two days!

Shiloh: Echo...

Echo: Don't say my name like that, bastard!

Shiloh: Please don't cry.

Echo: Shut the fuck up. Why would you do something like that? Where the Hell did you go?

Shiloh: Why does that matter? And I'm here now, so what's the problem?

Echo: What? You think this is a joke? You like seeing me upset? Do you enjoy seeing my tears?

Shiloh: No.

Echo: Then why do you continue to make me cry? You always do. From the beginning you said you would never make me cry like he did.

Shiloh: I know what I said!

Echo: You're such a dumbass...

Shiloh: Echo.

Echo: Mmm. Ah-Stop!

Shiloh: Ow! Jesus!

Echo: I hate you, Shiloh.

Shiloh: Why?

Echo: You lied. You left me, for God knows why. And you're still making me cry.

Shiloh: I love you.

Echo: Stop, I hate you.

Shiloh: No you don't.

Echo: I hate you, Shiloh. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you...

Shiloh: Really, Echo?

Echo: I love you...

Shiloh: Thought so...come here.

Echo: Stupid shit, you always make me look bad.

Shiloh: *Sigh* If you really wanna know, my sister's husband died. I volunteered to watch my nephew while they were at the funeral. He didn't wanna go.

Echo: When did you get back?

Shiloh: We got back from the airport a few hours ago. I tried calling you, but Piper said you left in a storm. Wanna talk about what happened?

Echo: Why didn't you answer my calls?

Shiloh: Purposely left my cell home, I didn't want it to get in the way. It's kind of a tough time on everyone.

Shiloh: Echo, I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.

Echo: Mmm. Just hold me and I'll let you off the hook.

Shiloh: Can I stay over tonight? My sister and nephew came home with us, and I hate seeing them cry.

Echo: Sure. Oh Shiloh, by the way...

Shiloh: What?

Echo: I missed you.

Shiloh: I missed you too...