Love Letters

Conversation #6


Conversation Between:
Echo Strife
Shiloh Levine
Date: October 24th, 2009
Echo's House,
About 1 A.M.


Shiloh: Anata wa totemo kawaii yo.

Echo: English please.

Shiloh: I said you were cute.

Echo: Mmm.

Shiloh: When are you going to quit writing in that journal of yours and talk to me. Was what I did really that bad?

Echo: Ugh, Shiloh-

Shiloh: Don't roll your eyes at me. Just because I'm not looking at you doesn't mean I can't notice something like that.

Echo: Can you just shut up, please?

Echo: Shiloh? Where the Hell are you going? Hey, watch it! Shiloh!