Love Letters

Text Conversation #1

Text Conversation Between:
Echo Strife
Shiloh Levine
Dated: October 24th, 2009
About 8-9 P.M.


New Message From: Echo.<3
October 24
8:01 P.M.
Message Content:
So, you wanna tell me why you're mad?

New Message From: <3Shiloh
October 24
8:23 P.M.
Message Content:
I'm not mad.

New Message From: Echo.<3
October 24
8:24 P.M.
Message Content:
Oh really? You seemed pretty pissed this morning when you fucking stormed out my house.

New Message From: <3Shiloh
October 24
8:26 P.M.
Message Content:
Haha, funny.

New Message From: Echo.<3
October 24
8:28 P.M.
Message Content:
How the fuck was I being a dick? Can't I be a little upset that you LIED to me?

New Message From: <3Shiloh
October 24
8:31 P.M.
Message Content:
Hmm, let's see. Ignoring me, telling me to shut up, not being there for me in my time of need. Echo, you have no idea what I'm going through. Stop thinking about yourself for once and realize the world doesn't revolve around YOU.

New Message From: Echo.<3
October 24
8:31 P.M.
Message Content:
Not being there for you? Shiloh, I'm trying! Why do you think I'm talking to you?

New Message From: <3Shiloh
October 24
8:33 P.M.
Message Content:
If you really were trying, I advise that next time, don't ignore the person you're trying to help.

New Message From: Echo.<3
October 24
8:40 P.M.
Message Content:
Look, I'm sorry. I was upset, okay?

New Message From: <3Shiloh
October 24
8:44 P.M.
Message Content:
You have to learn that sometimes, sorry isn't going to work. You were upset, okay cool. Did you even ONCE think about how I was feeling?
I needed you Echo. I needed you to talk to me. I needed you to hold me. Anything that would ease the pain.

New Message From: Echo.
October 24
8:47 P.M.
Message Content:, you sure you wanted me like that? I mean, he was just your brother-in-law...

New Message From: <3Shiloh
October 24
8:54 P.M.
Message Content:
There you go again, getting awkward when I bring up things like that. Geez, sometimes I question whether you really love me or not.
And no the person who died wasn't my brother-in-law.
It was my mom.

New Message From: Echo.
October 24
8:55 P.M.
Message Content:
You're kidding.

New Message From: <3Shiloh
October 24
9:01 P.M.
Message Content:
You really think I'd joke about this kind of shit? It was my MOM, Echo! And you sat there and ignored me!
You're such an arrogant JERK. The worst time of my life and you thought about yourself.
I H A T E Y O U.
You shitless jerkoff, you mean absolutely nothing to me. NOTHING.
Goodbye Echo, have fun fucking yourself because I won't be doing it for you anymore.