Love Letters

Letter #3

Letter From: Echo Strife
To: Shiloh Levine
Dated: October 26th, 2009


Hey Shiloh...

So I get that you're mad and all—oh, wait. You hate me.
I know it means nothing, but I'm sorry. This is the only way I can get you to talk to me again.
If you would've told me it was your mom...Shiloh, I would've understood.

I was worried about you! What do you think I was writing in my journal? A letter to my mom? Shiloh, I do know what you're going through. Maybe my mom isn't dead, but she isn't here and she's never coming back. I grew up without a mom, with an abusive father instead.
You have a family that loves you and supports you. I can't be there for you if you keep secrets from me. I really do love you.

I'm difficult a lot of times, I know. I express things better on paper. Over all I miss you Shiloh. There has never been anyone better than you.

The distress I went through trying to figure you out was painful. I couldn't detect a single change in emotion, nothing you said or did even slipped a sign that you were dying inside. I spent those two days of your absents rethinking every time I spoke to you in the last week. I didn't eat, and I barely slept. I was so worried Shiloh...
I thought you'd be like my mom and never come back.

Remember last summer? When we fell asleep in the park? It was our first "date" when we started going out. We sat under the stars and we told each other everything. I told you about my runaway mom and my abusive father. You told me about your parents and how much you loved them, and how lucky you felt to have them. I told you about my cousin who lived with me because she couldn't go anywhere else. You told me about your sister who you were so proud of and your nephew who was he cutest thing in the world. I told you about my passion to write and my attachment to the guitar. You told me you liked guitar too and that writing was your favorite hobby.
We had our first kiss that night, under the perfect starred sky. It was breathtaking. The kiss, the sky, and you.

I don't know if you remember, but today is our four month anniversary. I didn't want to let the day pass without telling you I love you.

I'm sorry this is the lousiest love letter in the history of the world, but I just wanted to apologize and let you know that I love you.

I'm sorry if you don't forgive me.
~ Echo.
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Wow. Hey you guys...I'm back. It's been quite awhile. This story (along with my many others) has actually stayed untouched for months now, so I won't be adding new installments as quickly as I would've liked. For my subbers who are still out there, thank you for waiting. ~