Love Letters

Letter #2

Letter From: Shiloh Levine.
To: Echo Strife
Dated: October 21st, 2009
English Project


My Dearest Echo,

Sweetie cakes! Hehe. I know how much you hate that. ♥

So it seems Mrs. Martin gave us the same assignment. Cute, huh? We should write letters more often.
It's a shame our world has moved on from sending hand-written letters. It's all about emails and Facebook now, you know?
I've always thought letters are more special, I'll send them to you whether you like it or not. If you won't take them, I'll put them in your mailbox for your dear ol' dad to read.
Don't worry if he shoots you. Hehe.
I'll see you in Heaven. ♥
Oh wait, are we even allowed there?
I'll see you in Hell. ♥

Oh, I still have your sweater, you silly boy.
Wanna hear a secret?
I slept with it on. ♥
Shh. Don't tell anyone.

"Love is what I've got." ♥ ♥
Song by Sublime. When I was a baby that was the only thing that could make me fall asleep, true story. And my parents wonder why I turned out the way I did.

Sir. Cox is in your class I presume? Hehe, am I the only one who giggles at that?

"Express your feelings, children. Don't let the paper be your boundaries!" Mrs. Martin can be so demanding. Well, here it goes. Ima 'bout to get real serious now.

Echo, I love you. We've known each other since sixth grade, but our relationship has only begun about a couple months prior to today.
I ask you to read between these lines and grasp on to what I'm really trying to say.
I can't substitute any words for the three I mean so dearly. They say we're too young. They say we're just confused. They say it will never work. But they don't know how I really feel about you. I don't think you do either. I can't prove my love for you in just one letter, so I'll spend the rest of my life, showing you just how much you mean to me.
You're my world, Echo.
Please make sure that stays glued to that beautiful mind of yours. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I know I just saw you and all, but
I miss you.
I miss you.
I miss you.
Damn, I love you.

Please never let me go. I know we can't promise for forever, only today. So everyday I'll promise my love to you.

I promise I'll love you today.

My prayers are for you,
Shiloh Naku Levine
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this story gets suspended. I'll try to repost it, and hope it wont get reported again.