The Beautiful Patsy

Chapitre Dix

“Let me go! We were gonna pay for it, I swear!” An unknown voice shouted. It was easy to tell the voice was a woman’s, even though it was deep and gruff. The owner of the voice came into view along with Officer Taylor. She must have been on a roll. She had been November’s arresting officer, too, and it was probably a safe bet to assume she was the one to pull Marty off the mangled hooker.

The girl in cuffs had black hair that was cropped short that set off her crystal blue eyes and pale skin. She wore a white t-shirt under a gray hoodie that was partially zipped and her sleeves were pushed to her elbows. Her jeans were torn and clung to her legs.

November couldn’t help but stare and overall, he couldn’t deny that he liked what he saw. The girl continued to yell and thrash around as Officer Taylor locked her in the cell directly across from where November and Marty sat. She was no more than twenty feet away and could easily hear them if they spoke loud enough.

“Well, hi there. I’m November and you must be…” He trailed off. “Innocent.” She said angrily. “No, I meant your name.” November laughed as she huffed to the ground by the cell door. She looked at him and sighed softly, “Florence. That’s my name, but I’m still innocent.”

November sat quietly for a moment and said, “You know, I was innocent, too. I mean, yeah, I was there at the meth house or crack house, what ever, but I didn’t do any drugs or sell…I was just with my friend and I was just sitting there…” He spoke quietly, pronouncing each word separately. Then, he smiled and motioned to a sleeping Marty. “And this guy here, he bashed a hooker’s face in. What’d you do, Florence?”
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