The Beautiful Patsy

Chapitre Trois

"Randy, no..." "Come on, Berry." Randy said waving the used needle around in front of November. "You'll love it and look, it's only a little and then... whoa." He said trying to keep from sliding to the floor.

"I said no!" November shouted pushing his friend away. Randy's smile dropped and his face became emotionless. "Fine. Sit back here all by yourself. See if I fuckin' care." He said walking out of the room.

November sighed and leaned back against the worn couch he was sitting on. "Why do I even talk him anymore?" November whispered to himself. "You know what? This is ridiculous. No -- I'm leaving."

As he reached for the door knob of the bedroom door, he noticed the faint sound of sirens over the blaring music. When he opened the door, he saw police barging into the house and people scrambling around. He closed the door and searched the room for an escape route.

As he started moving for the window, the door burst open behind him. He froze as he heard a woman say, "Freeze. You're under arrest."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was short. It gets longer. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow. Comments make me super happy.