Status: Terminated; sorry.

I Never Thought I'd Be Stuck in This Mess

Do You Think About Everything You've Been Through

Amara’s P.O.V
I let out a small laugh as he made another joke. “You’re such a dork, Alex,” The handsome brunette shrugged at me and grinned as I brought my mug to my lips. I was on my lunch break and was completely shocked to get a text from my assistant’s brother asking if I’d like to meet him somewhere for lunch. We had become really good friends through his sister, Kaylee.

“If I wasn’t a dork, you’d think I was hitting on you or something,” Alex joked. I rolled my eyes even through the joking, I knew he was being somewhat serious. I closed my eyes and inhaled the soothing scent of my coffee. “So how’s Kaylee doing? I know when my girlfriend was pregnant she hated it,” He stated with a wrinkle of his nose. “She never forgave me. She would blame me for it, and during labor she was yelling death threats,” He chuckled as he recalled his experiences. I shook my head at him and sipped my coffee.

“Do you ever regret the fact that Emma is going to grow up not knowing her mother?” I asked quietly as my mind drifted to Aiden. Alex shrugged as he looked down into his coffee as if it held the answer to our lives. “Patrick,” I said using his real first name to get my point across, his answer was important to me.

“I regret that Emma will grow up not knowing her mother, or resenting her for leaving. I’m hoping that women understand that because her mom left, they’ll probably, if they last long enough. They’ll probably end up playing mommy whether they want to or not… Which will keep most girls away anyways,” He said with a soft sigh. I reached over the table and held his hand lightly.

“Not all women are like that. You’ll find the right girl. Hell, I bet you’re dating someone and you’re just not ready to tell me about her,” I smirked when I noticed him look away. “It’s cool, and I can’t wait to hear more about her,” I told him as I finished my coffee and placed a few dollars down as a tip. Alex looked up at me and smiled.

“Thanks Mara, you always know what to say,” I nodded with a smile. “By the way, don’t tell Kaylee I’m coming. I want to surprise her,” He admitted shyly. I laughed and shook my head as I waved and headed out to the parking lot. Once I reached my car, I drove back to the firm smiling. A visit with Alex Shelley always seemed to cheer me up. Too bad my whole world was about to be turned upside down for the first time in three years.
I parked and headed for the elevator, smiling in contentment. The elevator dinged and I stepped off and headed towards my office. I paused before turning the corner when I heard a familiar voice shouting. “So what is this like your forth kid, Amara. Who’s the father this time? Still Brian,” I growled quietly as Adam’s voice pierced my ears. I heard Kaylee trying to defend herself but Adam wouldn’t let her.

“You always were a slut,” I turned the corner to see him glaring at Kaylee who was in tears as she kept one hand on her stomach. I walked over swiftly and put my arm around her shoulder.

“Shh, come on Kay, let’s go into my office,” I whispered pulling her into my office. I sat her on the couch and spoke softly, “Calm down, it’s not good for the baby for you to be freaking out,” She nodded as she wiped at her eyes. I sighed knowing it would be futile. “Jake will be home in no time honey, don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of our rude visitor,” I told her as I turned. Adam was standing in the doorway to my office staring at the two of us in disgust. I walked over and shoved his chest before closing my office door behind me and leaving Kaylee to calm down within it’s walls.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I seethed as soon as we were far enough from the door that she wouldn’t hear us. Adam glared defiantly at me as I returned his glare with an intense look. “Well are you going to answer me or not,” I asked as I put a hand on my hip. Adam growled.

“It’s not my fault she looks like you,” I rolled my eyes. Kaylee had dark brown hair and green eyes. My hair must have changed colors over the years. And of course he’d jump to the conclusion that I would have three or four children by now. I turned to look out the window to keep myself from getting really frustrated. I turned back to look at Adam after attempting to calm myself.

“We may have some similarities but what you just said to her was uncalled for,” I stated with an aggravated tone of voice. Adam shrugged it off like it was nothing before speaking venomously.

“She’s probably a slut just like you,” I shook my head in disgust at my ex. He’s not happy unless he’s winning. “A cry-baby slut at that.”

I shook my head and grabbed the picture from her desk before turning it so it was facing Adam. “You’re such a dickhead. This is her husband Jake, he’s a first Lieutenant in the army,” When Adam didn’t say anything I continued. “He’s fucking overseas you dumbass. Do you know how freaked out she’s been… You upsetting her was a horrible fucking thing to do,” I growled as I put the picture back down on her desk. “You’re lucky I don’t fucking punch you,” I stated honestly.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I rolled my eyes at his ego. I looked over towards the hallway when I heard the elevator ding. Alex and Chris, his best friend and partner in his line of work, walked around the corner.

“Hey Mara,” Chris greeted with a smile before pulling me into a light hug. “Uh who’s this?” He asked gesturing to Adam. I shrugged as Adam looked appalled at the fact that they didn’t know who he was.

“Doesn’t matter. He’s unimportant, and he was just leaving,” I stated as I glared at Adam harshly. Alex looked between the two of us and raised an eyebrow.

“I think I’m just gonna go say hi to Kaylee,” He smiled at the thought of seeing his sister in the first time in months. I rolled my eyes the minute I saw Adam roll his eyes.

“Knew she was a slut,” Adam muttered. I smirked as soon as I saw Alex stiffen. Adam had just made a huge mistake. Alex turned around and glared darkly at Adam.

“What did you just call my sister?” He hissed. Adam’s eyes widened as he realized his mistake. I was surely going to enjoy this.

“Did I mention her brother works in the wrestling business?” I asked him with a cynical smile coming to my face. Adam gulped visibly before excusing himself to get back to his friends. I rolled my eyes as I remembered the slut he had been dating the last time I’d seen him. He was probably just going back to fuck her and forget about this whole ordeal.

“Does that asshole harass you often?” Alex asked still looking pissed off. I shook my head.

“Thanks for scaring him though,” I grinned as Alex nodded before walking into my office to greet and speak with Kaylee. “So how are you Chris?” I asked and almost regretted it as soon as he got into a long winded speech on how their trip up to New York had been. I smiled as he finished and asked him why he seemed so excited.

“Alex and I scored tickets to a concert. Breaking Benjamin and Flyleaf along with Three Days Grace,” I nodded with a small smile. “Would you be willing to let us crash at your place while we’re in town?” I chuckled as Alex and Kaylee came out of my office.

“Of course, Aiden is going to be so excited that his two favorite uncles are in town,” I laughed as they both grinned. They both loved hanging around children, Aiden was one of their favorites. I smiled as I thought of how happy he’d be. “So are we gonna go or what?” I asked when I realized I didn’t have any more appointments for the day or any cases to work on. The two nodded and I gave Kaylee a smile before telling her she could leave early.

I walked down to my car with Alex and Chris in tow and headed off to Aiden’s daycare to pick him up. I smiled as Alex accompanied me into the building and Aiden ran into his arms excitedly. “Uncle ‘Lex.”

I signed the necessary papers and walked towards the door as Alex picked Aiden up. We headed for my apartment and started on dinner. Alex and Chris dropped their luggage off in the guest bedroom and called a cab to take them to the concert venue. I finished the spaghetti I had been making and put some on a plate for Aiden. I put some on a plate for me and cleaned up the kitchen before sitting down to eat. “Did you have fun today?” I asked as we sat quietly.

“Yeah,” He was just as quiet as I was. It worried me to the point of biting my lip. “Mommy, did uncle ‘Lex and uncle Chris leave cause of me?” I looked over to see his bottom lip trembling as his eyes filled up with tears.

“Of course not sweetie. They went to see bands play. They’ll be back later tonight, and you’ll see them tomorrow,” I stated as I stood up taking my empty plate to the sink. “Are you done with your dinner?” I asked as I took his plate. He nodded and brought his cup of milk to his lips and downed the rest of it with ease. I cleaned the plates and glass and put them in the dishrack before picking him up. “Bath time,” I told him with a small smile.

After bathing him, I put him in his bed and sat and read stories until he fell asleep. I sat there and watched him sleep. Wondering if I was doing a good job as a single parent, I wiped at my eyes thinking of my own twisted family history. I realized a long time ago that I just wanted what was best for me and my family, which at that time included Zacky and Brian… Now just Brian and Aiden. I shook my head to clear it and leaned down and kissed Aiden’s forhead. I wasn’t going to let my encounter with Adam get me down. I walked out of Aiden’s room and sat on the couch and thought to myself in the silence.

One of the few things I thought about was whether Bree even reads the letters I send her. I didn’t want my drama to keep her down, so I send her letters with no return address. The only person from my past that has my number is Brian. And it is going to stay that way.
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Alright, so this is the first chapter of our sequel. Hope you like it. Adela is next.