Status: Terminated; sorry.

I Never Thought I'd Be Stuck in This Mess

My Heart Is Getting Heavy, Pulling Me To Where You Are

Bree's pov

"It's Thanksgiving, it's thanksgiving!" I heard chanted beforesomething someone landed between Zacky and I.

"Seriously, Jimmy what time is it?" Zacky asked groggily while I shoved my head under my pillow.

"Eight! Time for me and Bree to start cooking cause it's Thanksgiving!"

"I said ten Jimmy, ten!" I whined knowing any attempt at going back to sleep would be futile at this point.

"Opps, oh well since you're up take a shower and get dressed." Jimmy yelled running out of the room before poking his head back in "oh and no doing the dirty in the shower."

I groaned before rolling over and cuddling into Zack, "do I have to get up?"

Zacky chuckled wrapping his arms around me, "why'd you wait till the last minute to cook?"

"So it be fresh, plus you're the one that nominated me to cook the first avenged Thanksgiving."

"Jacoby is always bragging that he's tasted your mothers amazing pie recipe and you said you'd only bake it on Thanksgiving."

I groaned feeling my stomach complain before rolling out of bed and making my way into the shower.

- - -

"So what make you guys decide to do an Avenged Thanksgiving instead of with family like before?"

Jimmy shrugged, "Just decided on tour. Zacky figured saying you'd cook would keep you from going to Jacoby's. The dude is always so depressed when you leave for the holidays."

"Everytime I leave for the holidays all I can think about is Derek and how he's not there like before. Those kind of thoughts really hurt so actually I was really glad for the excuse to not go."

Jimmy wrapped me a hug covering me in flour since he somehow managed to spill half a bag of flour on himself. "Are you okay today?"

I nodded hugging him back, "You and Zacky help a lot. Also cooking, I may hate cooking but it felt good pulling out my mom's recipes and use them for once. Derek would be proud."

"Hey I brought sweet potatoes," Val mentioned walking in carrying a plate with Matt following before glancing at Jimmy and I. "Are we interrupting a moment?"

The mere mention of sweet potatoes always made me gag but this year my stomach flipped. I bit my lip before smiling softly in hopes I didn't make a weird face, "Just put them on the table. The turkey should be done soon."

"You sure you're okay?" Jimmy asked once they left, "you kinda froze on her."

"I hate sweet potatoes, them and yams make me gag but actually seeing them made my stomach flip."

"Hey where's Zacky?" Val asking walking back into the kitchen.

"He went to drop off a pie at his moms house, I think Johnny might have gone with him. They should be back s- never mind that's them."

Zacky walked in rolling his eyes once he saw Jimmy and I. "Brian and Mandy are here, you ready?"

I nodded letting Jimmy grab the turkey while I grabbed Zacky's hand and let him lead me to into the dinning room. I smiled softly trying to ignore the sweet potato, before thanking everyone for coming. Zacky lead me over our seat since only three seats were opening leaving the one on my right side open for Jimmy.

Once the food had been passed around, conversation erupted throughout the table. I was arguing with Jimmy whether a vampire or a ninja would win in a fight, when I felt a hand grab mine. I smiled at Zacky before turning back to Jimmy.

"Hey, whats up with Brian and Mandy?" I asked softly noticing both of them were off.

"What ever do you mean?" Jimmy replied in a soft southern tone.

"Hope you know you sounded like a girl there, but usually Mandy would have insulted me by now and Brian would be talking more yet he's quiet as a mouse and Mandy has yet to say one mean thing yet."

"I think you're paranoid, Mandy doesn't always attack you."

"Oh but she does, every chance Jimmy every chance."

"I always feel like someones watching me," Jimmy sang softly before laughing with me.

Zacky tugged my hand causing me to look at him, I grinned before leaning over and kissing him quickly. Little moments like this that made me fall for Zacky a little more each time.

"I really like you," Zacky whispered causing me to blush while my smile grew.

"I really like you too," I whispered back before kissing him lightly again.
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So its short but I like the ending