Status: Terminated; sorry.

I Never Thought I'd Be Stuck in This Mess

Another Mistake To You

Amara’s P.O.V
I yawned as I jumped in the shower. These early mornings always felt horrible, but I got to leave the firm by three, and that was always fun. I scrubbed my hair and body quickly before getting out. I pulled on my dress suit and brushed my wet hair out. I made my way to Aiden’s room to wake him up and get him ready. I got him dressed and we headed out to the car. We got to the firm within twenty minutes. “Be good for the daycare people,” I told him with a warm smile as I dropped Aiden off with the very capable Molly.

I smiled in triumph as I finished the last of the paperwork needed for my next trial. I checked my watch and cheered out loud. It was three thirty, and I had the rest of the day to myself. I jumped up and grabbed my coat and bag. As I walked out I noticed Kaylee answering the phone and waited patiently until she finished. “I’m done for the day. And I am telling you sweetly to go home. When I call back at four you better be on your way out, Missy,” I told her with a wag of my finger for emphasis. She laughed and waved me off as I headed for the elevator to pick up Aiden. I went down one floor and walked into the daycare room. Aiden ran up and hugged my legs as Molly walked over with his jacket and bag. “Thanks Molly. See you Monday,” She nodded with a small smile of her own.

“Come on, let’s get you in your jacket,” I told the feisty three year old. He let me put his jacket on and then threw his arms up. I looked down at him and laughed as I saw the look on his face. I picked him up and walked out of the room towards the elevator. I hit the ground floor button and smiled. Nothing was going to ruin my mood.

I walked out towards the front door and paused to say goodbye to the front desk’s receptionist. Aiden was mumbling nonsense and I was excited to be heading home. I shivered involuntarily as I stepped outside into the thirty-three degree weather. After fumbling around in my purse for a couple of minutes I found my keys. I walked over to the parking lot and towards my car. When I looked up, my wonderful mood, went down the drain. “Adam,” I couldn’t keep the shock out of my voice.

“Amara,” He stated in a cold tone. I bit my bottom lip as I took in consideration all of the things this could meet. “I want to talk to you about why you left California,” He stated. I rolled my eyes. Now he cares?

“I had my own reasons. Why do you care, you live in Canada,” I sneered. It was really pissing me off that he was talking down to me like that. Adam looked at Aiden and then spoke quietly.

“He’s my kid too ya know.”

“And you took no interest in that fact. You called me a liar and assumed he was Brian’s,” I spat venomously. I almost smiled at the fact that my glare seemed to be scaring him a little bit.

“Well maybe I wanted to. But I didn’t have the option did I?” I growled at the tone of his voice.

“Yeah, well if you really want to experience a child from birth, it’s not hard to make one with your precious Ellie,” I retorted harshly. It sure as hell wasn’t hard to make Aiden. I doubt he’d walk away from his precious Ellie if she told him she was pregnant.

“Yeah if I wanted a kid with mental issues,” He muttered under his breath with a roll of his eyes. I hit the button on my keys to start my car. He glared at me as I gathered what I was going to say in my head. “I just needed time to think it over.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? You had nine fucking months. Do we really have to have this argument right now? I had other plans for my day,” I stated quietly.

“No, just run away like you always do,” I looked over to see Adam glaring at me. If looks could kill, Aiden would be screaming his little head off at the moment. I took a deep breath and spoke.

“I don’t always run away. And you ran away first. You told me we were done,” I told him honestly. “Can we please finish this argument so you can get back to your sluts?” I asked in a bitchy tone.

“Well one of my sluts got pregnant, so I’m more careful now,” The smirk on his face infuriated me. Who was he to call me a slut? I haven’t had a date in three fucking years.

“So glad that all I am is a slut to you. I’m leaving now,” I growled as I unlocked the doors and put Aiden in his car seat. With a click of his seatbelt I closed the back door and turned to face Adam.

“I just call them as I see them,” I rolled my eyes.

“My last date was three years ago.”

“Really? I’m shocked you don’t have another kid by now,” And all of a sudden, everything he had been screaming at Kaylee came back to me.

“If all you did was come find me at work to insult me, then I’m going to leave now,” I told him as I walked around to the driver’s side door.

“I came to make sure you were taking care of my son.”

“Your son? Don’t make me laugh. I’ve been taking care of my son since he was born,” I growled. “Why do you even care all of a sudden?”

“I just do.”

He said it as if it answered the world’s greatest question. I rolled my eyes and got into the car. Before closing the door I spoke softly, “Goodbye Adam,” I closed the door and headed for home. I pulled into my driveway and let Aiden out of the car. We walked into the house and I made lunch for the two of us. After finishing our macaroni and cheese I stood up quickly when the doorbell rang.

I frowned in thought. If this was Adam, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I opened the door and laughed softly at the look on Brian’s face. “What are you doing here, Haner?”

“I came to stay for a night and to ask a favor of you,” I let out a soft sigh and let him in. “Please come to Christmas this year. You and Aiden will have so much fun… Please?” I shook my head violently as my mind drifted to Alex’s proposal the other day.

Alex had asked me to come on the road with him for the month of December to help with Emma and to just get away from work and drama for awhile. I then made the mistake of looking into Brian’s eyes.

“Please. I divorced Mandy, and she may still end up coming to Christmas. Please, please come to Christmas. I need someone to save me from watching everyone’s lovey-dovey shit,” I let out a soft sigh. The look in his eyes kept me from saying no.

“Alright,” I agreed knowing I would probably regret this decision later.
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