Status: Terminated; sorry.

I Never Thought I'd Be Stuck in This Mess

These Secrets Are Walls That Keep Us Alone

Amara’s P.O.V
It had been a couple of weeks, and was currently December twenty-fourth. I was sitting in my hotel room looking at Aiden as he played. I bit my lip as I let my mind wander to the dinner that I had been invited to. This was going to be a bad day. I could feel it. I sighed as I got in the shower and tried to clear my head. I stepped out and dried myself quickly. I put on a bathrobe and bathed Aiden. After dressing him in some nice shorts and a nice t-shirt, I dressed in a blue, plaid button up shirt and a black ruffled skirt. I had been told to dress nice and that made me more nervous about tonight.

I tucked the last of the things I’d need for Aiden in the diaper bag I had since he was born and double checked that I had everything I would need in my purse. I pulled on my low top Converse with the bright blue laces and was ready to go. I picked up Aiden and headed to the rental, I was thankful they didn’t seem to care I would need to put a car seat in it. After buckling Aiden in, I let out a deep sigh. The wind blew lightly, confirming my thoughts that today was going to be a bad day. I slipped into the driver’s seat and began my journey to Bree and Zacky’s house. It couldn’t be that bad right? It would only be Avenged and their significant others. I hope.

I frowned again when I realized that Brian’s directions were indeed correct. I parked on the street knowing if I ended up spending the night like he had been planning that I could always move the car later. I popped the trunk and unlocked the doors. I walked around to the passenger side back door to let Aiden out. I gently set him on the grass and closed the car door. I walked around to the trunk keeping a watchful eye on the seemingly tired three year old. After pulling both my purse and diaper bag out of the trunk, I picked closed the trunk and took Aiden’s tiny hand in my own. We walked up to the door and I used my free hand to knock on the door. I shivered as an ominous feeling ran up and down my spine.

I looked down as Aiden tugged on my hand impatiently. I looked up as the door opened just to be met by the shocked face of Matt Sanders. I picked up Aiden when I noticed a small look of fear cross his face. “What are you doing here?” He sounded slightly irritated.

“I was invited. Ask Brian if you don’t believe me,” I told him as I pushed past him and into the spacious house. She let out a sigh of relief as Brian walked out and grinned. “Hi Brian,” I greeted softly. He smiled and pulled me and Aiden into a hug.

“Dinner’s almost ready and,” He looked worried about what he was about to tell me. Before he could get his statement out I heard a voice I hadn’t heard in a couple of weeks.

“Bree, do you need any help in there?” I turned to look the direction of where the voice was and when I saw the back of the familiar shirt turned and glared at Brian.

“You knew all along. Didn’t you,” I growled feeling any calmness leave my body. Brian looked away nervously as Bree announced that dinner was ready.

“Oh, Amara,” She smiled happily and walked over and gave me a huge hug. I returned the hug slightly confused at her behavior. I noticed Aiden looked exhausted and quickly asked Bree if I could lay him down in the guest room for a nap. I put Aiden on the bed and sang to him softly until he fell asleep. When I walked out to the dining room, I frowned when I realized I would be sitting between Matt and Adam, across from Bree who was between Zacky and Brian. I let out a deep sigh and glanced at the ceiling. If there was a god, he was enjoying my torment.

Zacky said grace and food was passed around. I took a little bit of the entrée and a little bit of two of the four side dishes. There was conversation all around me and I wasn’t too shocked when one of the conversations turned into yelling. “You don’t care at all. And as much as I’d like to stay with you… We need to take a break. I need a break,” Zacky stated in a slightly broken tone. Bree quickly excused herself from the table and headed to a guest room.

I let out a soft sigh as I finished eating. “I’m going to go check on Aiden,” I muttered quietly as I walked to the room Aiden was in first. I peeked in to see he was still asleep and then walked to the room Bree was in. I knocked quietly before letting myself in the room. She was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling, there were tears trailing down her cheeks slowly and it appeared that she had broke down crying the moment she walked in the door. “Hey Bree,” I spoke softly, afraid if I spoke too much louder I was going to get snapped at.

“Hi Amara,” Her voice was almost too soft to hear. “You should get back. I’m fine, really,” She admitted. I shook my head and walked over to the bed. I sat down and she forced herself to sit up. “I really should have seen it coming. My relationships never last,” She wiped at her eyes and her nose. “I’m just scared,” She admitted nervously which made me frown.

“You scared? Now I’m worried. So what’s going on that has Zacky freaking out enough to break up with the best girl he’s dated in a long time?” I asked. Bree looked up at me in a shocked manner. “I may not always agree with your methods, but you are the best girl he’s dated in awhile,” I admitted with a sigh. “And I haven’t seen him this happy with any of his past girlfriends.”

“You’re kidding right?” I shook my head no and Bree smiled a little bit before looking out the window. “I feel like I fucked up royally,” She whispered. I rubbed her shoulder lightly and frowned. There had to be something else bothering her if she thought she really messed up by letting him end things.

“I’m sure he’ll clear his head and come to his senses. He’ll probably be up here soon knocking on the door to apologize and beg for you back,” I tried to cheer the depressed producer up. She shook her head and pulled her knees to her chest.

“I really don’t think so this time. He said I love you and all I did was stand there like a moron…By the time my mouth finally moved he was in the other room. He ignored me the rest of the day,” She bit her trembling lip before continuing on. “I would have said it back… But every time I’ve said it back… I ended up hurt, cheated on, or left at the alter,” She whispered. I sighed as I pulled her into a hug.

“Zacky wouldn’t do that to you,” My voice was soft but strong. “He’s not that kind of guy… You really need to stop clumping every guy into the category that your past exes fall into,” Bree nodded with a sigh.

“It’s hard to do, but I’ll try,” Bree admitted quietly. I nodded and then let out a soft sigh before asking the question that may get me slapped.

“So what else is bothering you?” Bree looked over at me wide-eyed. “I’m not stupid ya know,” I joked softly. Bree’s frown seemed to deepen. And then I saw fear flash across her eyes.

“I um… I’m…Late,” She muttered quietly. I frowned at her confused for a minute before I registered what was going on.

“And?” I asked knowing she was smart enough to have taken a test. She nodded and looked away from me. I sighed and rubbed her back before making her look me in the eyes. “You need to figure everything out. Stay calm. And most importantly, even if you and Zacky don’t get back together… You at least have to tell him,” I told her quietly. She bit her lip and looked at me nervously.

“What if… if he doesn’t care… What if he doesn’t want to help?” Bree sounded scared out of her mind, and I could understand why.

“Then you have options. If he doesn’t care, and you don’t think you’re ready… There is always adoption,” I admitted, hoping she wouldn’t be considering her other option if she didn’t want the baby. Bree nodded before saying she had to think for awhile. I nodded and left the room, making my way back to the table. I sat down and frowned when I heard the conversation going on around me.

“Oh, so the runner is finally back,” Adam stated in a jerky tone. “Any other secrets you want out on the table? Maybe some other children?” I frowned at the accusation. He was really starting to piss me off. “I mean it did seem pretty hard for you to admit it to me anyways,” He said referring to when I had told him I was pregnant and then tried to explain what had been going on.

“Well I’m sorry if a past miscarriage had me fucking nervous about what would happen,” I finally snapped at him. “Excuse me,” I growled out as I stood up and walked away from the table. I opened the guest room and grabbed my purse and the diaper bag. “Come on Aiden, let’s go visit Emma,” I told him softly as I felt tears threaten to fall.

“Yay, Emma!” Aiden cheered as he jumped up and followed me to the door. I led him to the car and went back to my hotel to try and think things out. I wiped at my eyes haphazardly and took a deep breath. Deciding that a walk in the park would help me clear my head, I picked up Aiden and my purse. I slowly walked through the park and smiled as Aiden asked if he could go play at the playground. I nodded and sat on a bench nearby. I watched him with a small smile on my face as I noticed someone snapping pictures of some flowers nearby. I let out a small gasp as I recognized the familiar face.

“Kassidy?” I asked just loud enough for the woman to hear me. She turned to look at me and let out a gasp of her own.

“Amara?! Long time no see! I haven’t seen you since you dropped out of college!” She covered her mouth immediately feeling bad. I chuckled as she walked over and pulled me up and into a hug. “So what’s been up?”

I gave her a weak smile. “A lot,” I gave Aiden a smile as he walked over and managed to get up into my lap. “This is my son Aiden,” I told her with a warm smile.

“Ooo who’s the husband? Is it Brian? Or Zacky? Or is it Matt? I know you dated him for awhile,” I laughed at her enthusiasm before shaking my head. “Oh is it…Wait they don’t have blue eyes,” I laughed and then started explaining my life starting with the reason I had to drop out of college. We walked along the sidewalk back to the hotel I was staying at. “Well you’re looking good. You dating anyone?” I asked and was shocked when she gave began to laugh.

“Nah the piercings usually scare guys away,” She stated as she gestured to her bull ring, Monroe piercings, and lip ring. I chuckled.

“It didn’t scare Brian away,” I said with a laugh remembering their on and off relationship. “You guys were good together. I mean you never broke up because of something bad it always had something to do with him going on tour or you going away for some reason,” I laughed as I started the rental. “Speaking of which I have to get back to the house of hell.”

“Can I come? I’m bored and Christmas is about spending time with family and friends. And right now, you’re the only friend who isn’t off visiting family,” I shrugged and nodded. Kassidy grinned and walked around to the passenger seat as I put Aiden in his seat and put the diaper bag in the back with him. I got in the driver’s seat and headed back to Bree’s house with a smile on my face.

I parked out front again and knocked on the door. Kassidy was behind me carrying Aiden with a huge smile on her face. Brian opened the door. “Oh hey Amara,” He looked to see who was carrying Aiden and let out a small gasp. “Kassi,” I laughed at his face and pushed him into the house. I took Kassidy’s hand and pulled her past Brian who stood by the door for the next five minutes in shock. Kassidy and I sat on a couch in the living room where everyone was sitting. I kept my eyes on Aiden to avoid the looks of pity I was getting from everyone else in the room.

“Would all of you stop it?! It happened seven years ago and she may not be completely over it, but there is no reason for all of you to be staring at her like that,” Brian’s voice broke my thoughts as Aiden smiled at me happily.

Kassidy’s voice broke the tense silence, “You guys are idiots. How could you treat a friend the way you treated Amara,” Her voice was serious, and ice cold. “I can see why she moved away.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Amara's outfit

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, let us know what you think, Adela's chapter is next!