Status: Terminated; sorry.

I Never Thought I'd Be Stuck in This Mess

We Can Make a Beautiful Christmas

Amara’s P.O.V
I was about to ask Kassi a question when the doorbell rang. I heard a voice that I had wanted to avoid for the rest of my life. “Oh, look who’s here. Hi Amara,” Mandy smiled at me like we were still the best of friends. I resisted the urge to slap my forehead. “Who’s your friend?”

“Obviously not you,” I bit my lip to keep from laughing at Kassidy’s words. Mandy gave her a death glare as Kassidy went on to introduce herself. “My name is Kassidy,” She glanced around the room and frowned to herself. “So, Mara, do any of these people like you?”

I shrugged as my phone started vibrating. I glanced down to see it was Alex and hit reject, deciding I would give him a call when we left. “I think the only person I really consider a friend other than Bree is Brian,” I admitted honestly. Kassi gave me a confused look at the name Bree. “She left before I did. I,” I was about to explain more when my phone vibrated again. I checked it to see it was Mikey from My Chemical Romance. I answered it so he wouldn’t freak out. “Hey Mikey.”

He wished me a Merry Christmas and said the rest of the guys did as well. I gave him a quick thank you and went back to what I was doing. “She’s Zacky’s… Well was his girlfriend. It’s a long story that takes me back a bit,” I frowned slightly as I glared towards Zacky. “You’re a fucking moron. What happened to my sweet, caring best friend?” He was about to answer when I held my hand up. “You know what, I don’t care. And I am leaving. I’m really sorry Brian, I thought I could handle it here… But I really can’t. You have my number if you need me,” I told him as I stood up. Aiden glanced around and willingly held his arms out for Kassi to take him.

Kassidy smiled and took him from me. The two of us walked out of the house and got into the car. “So fill me in on the rest of what’s been up?” I let out a soft sigh and nodded. As I made my way back to the hotel, I explained everything I hadn’t mentioned when telling her about my reasons for dropping out of college. “Damn… That’s… Damn. I can really see why you moved. You going to give him another chance if he asks you out again?” I gave Kassi an incredulous look.

“The guy who thought I would cheat on him with the guy who acts like my older brother? The guy who is rude to me every time we meet?” I shook my head. “I don’t think I’m ever going to let him that close to my heart again,” I pulled into a parking spot and the three of us made our way back to my room. “So what are we doing for Christmas?” I asked Kassi with a sigh.

“I don’t know… But we should decide on something fun since you came out here for nothing,” Kassi sighed. I nodded and was about to give up hope when I get a text from Alex wishing me a Merry Christmas. He then sent a picture text of Emma holding up a sugar cookie. I felt my frown slowly fade as I offered my phone to Aiden to look at. He looked up at me with a small smile.

“Can we make cookies when we get home?” He asked with a pleading look on his small face. I heard Kassidy start giggling and then full out laugh. I nodded with a smile and ruffled his dark hair. “Yay!”

“Your son is way cute. Has anyone ever told you that?” I nodded with a small laugh. “Oh! I know what we can do. You two should come stay with me for a couple of days before you head home. My house is all Christmas-y… Well… Rented house… But it’s still all Christmas-y,” I smiled as she tried to describe it. I looked at Aiden and shrugged.

“What do you say? You want to stay in this hotel for Christmas or go hang out at Aunt Kassi’s house?” Aiden’s face scrunched up as he thought for a moment.

He turned to Kassidy and with a very serious face asked his very important question. “Is there cookies at your house?” Kassidy and I burst out laughing and stopped when we noticed he was frowning at us. “I’m serious mommy,” He told me as he put his hands on my cheeks and stared into my eyes.

Kassidy let out a giggle as she took a picture on her camera phone and with her digital camera. “No Aiden, there aren’t cookies. But if you want we can make them when we get there,” Aiden released my face immediately and his own face brightened considerably.

“Really?” I laughed. Only my kid would get excited over cookies when Christmas was the next day. Kassi nodded and Aiden cheered before trying to pull me to the door. “What are we waiting for! Let’s go!” I shook my head and pointed at the bags. He ran over to the clothes that were sitting on the bed and threw them in the open suitcase. “Now can we go?”

I laughed and shook my head at him and went to make sure we had everything. “Why don’t you go with Aunt Kassi to the car, and I’ll take care of everything else,” He nodded happily and pulled Kassidy by her hand. He was telling her all about the fun things they could do when they got to her house. I finished packing my things and headed for the front desk to check out. I wasn’t too shocked when I got to the car and saw Aiden tapping his foot impatiently. I unlocked the doors and bit my lip to keep from laughing as he basically jumped into the car. I handed Kass the keys. “Why don’t you drive since you know where we’re going,” She nodded as I buckled Aiden in.

Within an hour we were in Kassidy’s kitchen making cookies to appeal the three year old. The three of us were having fun and all I could think about was how this Christmas was going to be different from the past Christmases.
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Sorry about the wait. Been busy and issues have been keeping me from caring to finish it. I know it's semi fillerish but whatever. Hope you like it. Comment please =D