Sequel: Chains

Last Chance

Chapter 5


“Run away with me” I whispered, we were in the stables again. The past few weeks have been the best days of my life, but we both knew it was all over because she wouldn’t turn her back on her family even though she would give up love and the chance to be happy. “You know I want to but I can’t, I have to do this” her heart was in her throat. Her blond curls were in disarray surrounding her face like the halo that showcases her innocence; it was like the first night all over again.

Her blue eyes were once again filled with such sorrow and despair and now tears. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her against me, “no you don’t, run away with me, run away from this life, I know you hate it” I murmured against her hair. My heart was breaking, I loved her with every part of me, and she had taken my heart when she gave me hers. I couldn’t let her go. “I’m sorry I have to go” she looked up into my eyes searching for understanding, “don’t go” she closed her eyes against the pain, this was the end, she would marry him because it was the right thing to do. “Don’t do this; don’t do this to me, to us. I know you think you have to do this for the sake of your family, but you don’t. You loathe this place, you loathe this life, let me make you happy, let me protect you. We both know he doesn’t love you, but I do, I love you Grace, I love you”. I search her eyes willing her to choose me over him. “I’m sorry” I watch her run out of the stables; I let the love of my life run out of my life.

The dress fit me like a glove, it was beautiful. I looked at the large mirror. My long blond curls spilled down my back, the corseted dress made my already tiny waist look even smaller. But as I looked at my eyes, they were the only thing that gave way to the pain I felt inside. In a few moments I would be walking down the aisle to marry someone I hate, while the man I love watched.

The wedding was beautiful; everything that could be was white. The kookaburras flew over head; they were such unique and beautiful birds. I looked past the sea of people, to the Australian bush; I wish I could just run away and into the dangerous but beautiful bush with James by my side. The music started destroying my happy day dream, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, Willow Pushes me forward and I stumble onto the isle. I look down the aisle and see John waiting, looking completely bored; I look past him and see James. Shocked I stop, I look around the sea of people once more, “what are you doing” hissed Willow “I can’t do this” I whisper. If I walked down this isle I wouldn’t have a choice anymore, I would have lost my last chance at the life I have always wanted. I have always done what everyone else has expect of me, when was it my turn.

I knew my answer, today was my turn. I turn and run. Run away from the wedding, run away from the life I’ve always known. I ignore the people calling after me, and head straight for the bush, my sanctuary.

I open my eyes and gaze up at James; I feel the warmth of the fire against my cheek. “I love You" I whisper, “I love you Grace Pearce” he leans down and kisses me with such passion, such emotion; I know that this is my life and Australia is my home.