City of the Damned

Chapter 11


The blood rushed from my head, and I groaned as it trickled into my mouth. The hot, coppery taste of it coated my mouth until I could hardly breathe. I threw my arm out blindly, hoping to hit something or someone, to alert them that I was hurt. But no one was there, I was all alone and I was dying.


I coughed, spitting out blood as I did so. I was screwed. My legs were broken and I was immobilised, unable to move, speak, or shout out for help. The building shivered occasionally, sending shivers up my spine.
I thought i heard someone shouting, but dismissed it as my imagination. They were all dead. The building rumbled again, as if reminding me I would be soon. This was not my preffered method to die I can tell you. But it was better than drowning, I guess.
I looked to the right of me, and saw Harry, the old barman, lying on his own, his head twisted at an odd angle. It didn't take a genius to work out he was dead. His eyes were blank as they stared into mine. His normally smiling mouth was open, like he was about to shout for help but didn't quite make it out in time. I felt sorry for the old man. We had dragged him into this and it was our fault he was dead.
A terrible feeling of guilt washed over me, making my stomach churn uncomfortably. I choked back tears. All my fault.


'Gerard!' I screamed, as the creature leapt at him. It clawed at his shirt, ripping it open. Gerard struck out at it's eye. The creature fell back, grunting. It shook it's head and charged at him again. I picked up the nearest thing to me (a rock) and threw it at it's head. It stopped, startled. It looked at me with a confused expression. It stared at me for what seemed like an eternity, then backed away slowly. It smashed through the last remaining window in the club and fled into the night.
'Well, that wasn't normal,' I muttered. Gerard was looking at me with a confused look on his face. He looked strangely like the creature. My body started trembling and it wouldn't stop. Gerard came up to me and wrapped his arm round my shoulder. I pulled away, for a reason I didn't even understand. He looked hurt. But I ignored it, for the time being.
'We have to... help the others.' I looked at him. He nodded and attempted to get up. He failed.
'It's ok, i'll go. I won't be long, I promise.' He nodded again and looked away.

The building was in worse condition than I had expected it to be. The roof had completely collapsed in on itself, and the back wall was demolished.
I walked carefully through the wreckage, making sure no one was there. I heard shouts coming from the other end of the building. I spun round.
'Gerard? Is that you?' No one answered. The shouts had stopped.

I carried on walking deeper into the building as I dared. Whispers came from behind me and I spun round, yet again.
'Looking for me?' It said, and led me into the cellar. The cellar that I hadn't realised was there. Actually it wasn't there. Where was I?
'Paradise,' replied the creature, reading my thoughts. And as I walked further and further down, he seemed to become less and less faint, until I could no longer see him. But I could see the rest of them.