City of the Damned

Chapter 13

Emilee's POV

The heat rolled over the two of us, making it near impossible to breath. We still hadn't moved and to be honest I didn't want to. The only direction I would move, would be back upstairs. But no. We had to stay here.
Ebony's eyes scanned the pit below. I followed her gaze but saw nothing but an endless, black, silent chasm. The few remaining creatures watched Ebony intently, motioneless. At first I thought they were just statues, but one twitched slightly as a spark from below hit it.
The silence was beginning to bug me. All we had done for about half an hour was stand here, waiting for either side to make a move. But neither did. Instead we waited for the inevitable. We were gonna die. They knew it, we knew it. Everyone with half a brain could work that one out.
'... fuck that! We have to get out, they're coming from behind!' shouted Gerard from behind us, Frank and Tess in tow. Ebony spun round furiously.
'Do you mind? Here I am, trying to work something out and all you can be bothered doing is interuppting? Well, excuse me, but I don't call that manners.' We all stared in shock, as she shook her head and turned back round.
'But... but what about...' Frank started.
'Me, me me,' Ebony mimicked nastily. She sneered at him and knelt down beside the pit, spreading her arms wide. I stepped forward.
'Hey! Who said you were the boss? Just leave Frank alone, ok? What has he ever done to you, huh?' I stepped up beside her, knocking her with my foot.
'Careful, yeah? If you knock me, i'll go flying down there. You don't want that now, do you?' she smiled sweetly. Anger flared up inside me. A minute ago she was perfectly fine, nice, caring Ebony. Or so she seemed. What happened? I brought my foot closer to her back, debating whether I should actually kick her. But I thought against it. I may be a lot of things but I wasn't a murderer.
Just then, a deep growl came from the top of the stairs. It was followed by a crash and a gunshot. The creature rolled down the stairs. It came at an unearhtly speed. It knocked straight into Tess, making her stuble backwards. Straight into me. My foot connected with Ebony's head, making her lose her balance. She wobbled, slipping on a rock. Her scream echoed through the air, as she fell, headfirst, into the pit. I gasped. What the hell had I just done?