City of the Damned

Chapter 16

Ebony's POV

I woke to see three hooded figures leaning against a nearby wall. Wait a minute I could see!
My joy quickly diminished when one of them glided over to me. Yes, glided. They seemed to have no feet, but they kind of hovered above the ground. A strange light emanated from the bottom of his cloak. I wriggled backwards slightly, bumping against the rough wall. I gasped in pain when something sharp sliced my back. I reached out a hand instinctively, but found they were tied together. I cursed under my breath, while trying to undo the tight chains that held my hands together. When I failed, I tried to stand up. The hooded figure came closer, standing tall over my small frame. I slowly slunk back down, sitting on the floor. He nodded, apparently satisfied and floated over to the other two. My back ached and I moaned quietly. All three of the hooded men looked at me strangely, tilting their heads to the side. I would have laughed if I weren't in as much pain. One elbow still had sharp pains shooting through it. My mouth felt dry and I needed water. My clothes stuck to me, as sweat rolled down my forehead.
"Bring her." I snapped my attention to the men. The same one glided over and caught my wrist roughly. The one that was connected to my bad arm.
"Bastard!" I screamed, as pain flowed through my whole body. The figure snarled at me, then lifted a hand. He struck me round the face, knocking me backwards. I hissed in pain, closing my eyes. The figure growled.
"Elias, do not be so heavy handed. We need her." I opened my eyes again. Elias growled yet again, then turned to face the others.
"Rowan, she is insolent. She needed to be taught a lesson," Elias pointed at me.
"It's rude to point," I snapped. Elias turned to face me, snarling. He came closer, shadowing me with his large frame.
"Be careful little girl. You might just get caught up in a very nasty argument between yourself and The Elders. We do not take kindly to any inferiors telling us what to do, understand?"
"Be careful, little brain. You might just get yourself caught in an argument with a very pissed off woman. Yes, I'm talking about me. You do not want to see me annoyed," I retorted. He laughed shortly, before turning to the others.
"Rowan, Hansen. You take her. I do not want to touch her. I may get contaminated." I glared at him hatefully, but he merely laughed it off. Rowan and Hansen glided forward and took my arms. Gentler than Elias had done. I bowed my head in thanks. They both returned the nod and led me forward, into yet another dangerous situation. I seemed to be getting into rather a lot of them lately.

Kellie's POV

My head lolled backwards, knocking against the wall. My wrists ached more than I could imagine possible. Worst of all, I couldn't see. Yet I was relieved to hear Frank shout something.
"They have eyes!" I wriggled against the chains, only resulting in more pain. I still held Mikey's hand in mine. I was incredibly grateful for him staying with me. His screams rung in my ears, but I remembered nothing. Maybe it was the fact that I had been shot. Damn that hurt. My stomach still felt like it was bleeding. But if it was, I'd be long dead by now.
Mikey squeezed my hand in his, as I heard the others fumbling with chains. I would definitely be glad to get out of here. The moans and cries for help were unbearable. Even though they knew no one would come. Although for us they had. I hadn't really expected them to jump down. When you looked down, it looked like the hole went on for a lifetime. But it was a surprisingly small way.
I suddenly remembered something important.
"Gerard..." I started, but screams coming from deeper on in the cave stopped me.
"Quickly, we need to get them out!" he barked, pulling on the chains harder. They almost gave way and with one last tug, they did.
"Shit," muttered Tess. She cradled my free hand in hers, running her fingers along my palm. It tickled and I pulled away.
"What is it?" Emilee asked, grabbing my hand and gasping. "Whoa," she breathed, running her fingers along my palm also. One by one, they all grabbed my hand and gasped. It got pretty annoying.
"Will you guys stop that?" I croaked. I felt the need for water. The sound of it dripping didn't help either. The sound echoed in my ears, increasing my thirst.
"Anyone got anything to drink?" I almost whispered. My throat felt like it was closing. I squeezed Mikey's hand. His breathing seemed pretty ragged too.
"Yeah, I...I need... water, now," Mikey added, beginning to choke. I heard Gerard pat him on his back. I screwed my face up in confusion. Our backs were up against the wall.
"We've got him down!" I heard Gerard shout. But he still held onto my hand tightly.
"It'll be alright, I promise," he whispered throatily in my ear. And I believed him.