Status: I know all Author's say this but please comment. I'd like your imput into where you'd like the story to go too.

Mr-My Dreams.


'Lola! Hurry up!' Maxine shrieked, hailing a taxi and opening the back door of it to hold it. 'It's our presentation today!!'

'I know!' Lola called out of her flat window. 'I'll be there in five minutes!'

'Argh...!' Maxine swung herself into the back seat and along to the window on the other side, careful not to spill her takeaway coffee.

She was a gorgeous girl, but any man who dared near her would be in mortal peril... Smooth, flawless skin the colour of melted chocolate and large doe like eyes set in a pixie face and a mass of frizzy curls tamed and defined stylishly.
She wore dark suit trousers today, a white three quarter length blouse and a mini black waistcoat over the top to show off her long slim limbs.
She was fiercely loyal, fiercely optimistic and persuasive and crazy too. In fact, if "fierce" had a picture of her underneath it in the dictionary, it wouldn't be far off the truth. She was Lola's best friend, but could be handful to work with.

Eventually Lola made it out through the great golden doors of the posh estate flats and into the backseat with Maxine, who handed her a sweetened takeaway tea.

'Thanks.' She murmured as she applied some red lipstick and clear lipgloss expertly as they pulled away, her outline already done.

'You're not ready?' Maxine hissed.

'Mostly, I'm dressed and my make up's done. I have all of our notes and you have the presentation. We're ready to go.' She sighed at her friend's assumptions.

'Your hair is a mess though. Since when do you have a simple ponytail?'

'Since today when I woke up late on the day of our presentation to try and buy out that other magazine. Stop fussing, I look fine.'

'Fine isn't good enough today.' Maxine sniffed. 'We have to look incredibly powerful and sexy for today. Don't wanna give the boys the wrong impression.'

'It doesn't matter, if they do you'll eat them.' Lola laughed.


'Girls! Oh my terrible two - You look fabulous darlings!' Mr Johnning greeted them, hugging them both hard. 'Why're you late? Bigging us up at all the latest parties I hope.'

'You got it Mr J.' Maxine sighed as they strode to the meeting room.

'Over to you two then.' He winked before heading into the room and letting the door swing shut behind him to make their entrance more dramatic, entering after the boss.

Mr Johnning was very typically English, and gay. He was just under six foot in height and had dark hair which he slicked back into a quiff, John Travolta style. Somehow, with this and the dark suits which made his pale complexion and dark eyes look like a Vampire, he could carry it all off with ease and still be taken seriously.
He enjoyed a great laugh and often flirted with his employees, male or otherwise. Everyone loved him but he was a stickler for work and made sure it was more perfect than perfect.

'Ready?' Maxine asked.

Lola turned to check her reflection in the great office area windows and smiled slightly, proffessionly.
She was a normal height and fairly fair skinned, with a great mass of deep aurburn hair which looked almost brown in some lights. Unlike Maxine, it swung around her shoulders, straightened and silky, and even though she was slim like her best friend, she had curves.
Dark blue eyes and wearing a simliar thing to her partner, she was satisified with her appearance.

'Yep.' She smiled, following Maxine in with a practiced swing of their hips.
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Heyy, please somment and let me know what you honestly think of this and I'd EVEN like input from you guys on where you think this could go and ideas to improve it further. So please leave your ideas and feedback. :) X x x x x x x