Status: Needs comments to continue (:

Sleep Tight, I'm Not Afraid

Not So Lucky

"Doesn't it bother you?" Matt asks as we sit in his room listening to Metallica albums on repeat, figuring out lyrics for songs.

I shrug my shoulders and strum my guitar. "It does and it doesn't. We're just friends. It's not like we're in a relationship with each other."

After school yesterday we saw Lindsey get into a car with one of the guys in our gym class. They drove off almost leaving smoke from the tires. We all know what was going to happen..

"But it's obvious you like her," he tells me.

"I don't like her like that. She's fun to be around. And I mean, it's nice being friends with benefits but there aren't feelings there."

I can't tell if I'm lying to myself or not. I don't know if I'm just a little attached because she was my first or if I just like being with her. Whatever it is I'm glad she's in my life and I get to see her almost every day.

"I think you do like her, bro." Matt tosses me a notebook with some lyrics. "She's just not the type of girl you should be with. She parties and sleeps around."

"We're not really that different though. Yeah, she sleeps around. But I party and do the same shit she does." I shrug my shoulders as I read some lyrics.

Matt sighs. "I don't know, Zack. I just think she might be bad news. I mean, she's so fucking awesome. I just think you two should just be friends. Maybe find another girl. That chick Claire likes you. I can ask Val to hook you up." He smirks and tosses his pen in the air.

Shrugging my shoulders I hand him the notebook. "I don't know. I mean, yeah. That'd be fun. Claire's pretty nice. And hot." I laugh. "The lyrics are good," I tell him before looking back down at my guitar.

It was weird trying to think of Lindsey as just a friend. I couldn't get the image of her beautiful naked body withering in pleasure when we are alone together. I can't stop thinking about the way she moves her hips or the way her lips caress every inch of skin on my body. It is going to be hard to push those thoughts aside whenever we hang out.

Plus, how can I say no when she offers?

At the spot, Brian, Jimmy, Matt, Johnny, and I sit back, smoke, and have a few drinks. "So, I'm confused. You're sleeping with Lindsey?" Jimmy asks as he passes his forty to Brian.

I roll my eyes. "For the hundredth time, yes. But we're just friends." I take a drag of my cigarette.

Jimmy shakes his head. "There's just no way. She is smoking hot!"

I laugh a little. "Yep, she is." I nod.

"I thought I might find you guys here," an alluring voice says from behind the bushes. We all look over and see Lindsey walking through. "So this is where the party is at, huh?" She smirks and takes a seat next to me.

My heart races when I notice her outfit. Her jean shorts are extremely short, showing off her beautiful legs, her shirt is low cut and tight. Lindsey's hair is a bit messy but it always is, which adds to how attractive she is. Her lips are red as usual and her eyes stand out against her pale skin. Can she get any hotter?

"Long time, no see!" Brian says as he hands her a drink. "You need to come around more often!"

She laughs. "I've just been dealing with some things." Shrugging her shoulders she takes a long sip of the alcohol and looks at me. "There's a party tonight at my friend Ashley's. Do you want to go?"

"I can't. I have the fucking ACT in the morning," Matt says rolling his eyes.

"Dude, seriously? Why even bother?" I laugh.

He shrugs his shoulders. "My mom said in case our band thing doesn't work out I have college to fall back on." He rolls his eyes again.

Jimmy laughs. "The band will work out! We will dominate!" He yells, almost dropping the beer.

"BE CAREFUL, JIMMY!" Brian says in a deep, mighty voice. He snatches the beer from his hands and protects it, obviously too intoxicated for his own good. "You can't man handle such an amazing drink." He kisses the bottle.

"You're fucking stupid," Lindsey says bluntly.

Everyone laughs as Brian looks down in shame. "I'll go!" Jimmy smiles at her. "I need an excuse to get drunk out of my mind."

"You're always drunk out of your mind," Johnny tells him.

"Shut up." Jimmy punches Johnny in the arm.

Lindsey just laughs and rests her head in my lap. "Will you go?" She looks up at me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I'm busy."

She looks at me shocked. "Zacky passing up a party? There must be something important going on."

Laughing I take a sip of my drink. "I'm going on a date."

Matt smirks and everyone gasps. "What?! With who?!" They all ask.

"Claire. She's in my math class."

"Claire Johnston? Damn, she's pretty hot." Brian nods.

Lindsey laughs. "Have fun," she says with a bitterness to her tone.

I ignore it knowing it would just cause drama and finish off my beer. "Hand me another one," I tell Matt who tosses another can at me.

After we sit around and smoke for a while, Lindsey and Jimmy go off to the party and I go home to get ready for my date. "Where are you going?" My little brother Matt asks as I check my hair in the mirror.

"On a date," I tell him and grab my car keys.

"Ohhh with who?" He smirks.

"None of your fucking business, Matt." I walk out the door and head to my car. I check the note she gave me for directions and drive over to her house. I honk the horn and seconds later she is out the door looking beautiful. "Hey," I say as she gets in the car.

"Hey." She smiles at me. "You look good."

"Thanks. You, too." I grin. "So where do you want to go?"

Claire shrugs her shoulders and tucks her brown hair behind her ear. "Um. There's a nice little restaurant on PCH. Then I heard there's a party tonight. We should go." She smiles.

I gulp, knowing Lindsey will be there. "Okay." I smile and drive to the restaurant.

Dinner turns out really nice. We talk the entire time, laugh, and talk about school and what we like to do. Claire is into photography and works for a company down town, her dad plays guitar in a band with her uncles, she wants to move to the east coast and own a diner. She's really funny and very flirty.

I'm glad I did this.

After I pay for our dinner we get in the car and head to the party. By now it's eleven and mass people are already there. Claire and I get out then walk inside. Nervously I scan the people sitting on the steps and standing in the hallway, not noticing anyone I continue to head in with Claire.

"I'll get us a drink," I tell her and walk into the kitchen area. It's a little hard since a bunch of people are standing around the island yelling "shot! Shot! Shot!" I peak around them and see a familiar stomach and hips. Lindsey is laying on the counter with her shirt pulled up to her bra, letting guys take shots from her body. When I see who is taking the shots, I feel my hands ball into fists; Jimmy.

I quickly grab a drink for Claire and I then head out, wanting to forget what I saw. Claire is sitting on a couch talking to some friends when I walk over. "Are you okay, Zacky?" She asks as she takes her drink. "You look tense."

I sigh and try to relax my eyebrows and shoulders. "I'm fine. It's just crowded." I laugh and take a sip of jack.

She laughs. "It is." Nodding her head she puts her hand on my knee. "Maybe we can go somewhere less crowded?" She bites her lip.

A smirk finds it's way to my lips. "I think I know a place." I take her hand and she guides me out of the room to another hallway. She opens the door and locks it behind herself.

"You picked the right place," I say with a smirk as she starts to take off her shirt.

She waves me over to her as she walks backwards towards the bed and I start to undo my belt. Claire slips out of her shorts and lays down, pulling me on top of her when I'm in my boxers. She presses her lips hard against mine and wraps her legs around me.

I kiss her back breathing hard and put my hands on her hips, sliding them underneath her underwear. She nibbles on the lobe of my ear and I moan. "Fuck, Lindsey," I breathe.

As soon as it slips my lips I regret it. Claire drops her hands and legs and looks up at me with furrowed brows. "Lindsey?" She asks appalled.

"What? I didn't say Lindsey," I lie, thinking I could cover it up.

"I'm sorry I can't be Lindsey, to you! I'm not as trashy as her, thanks." Claire pushes me off her and gets dressed. "I actually liked you, too. But if you're just going to be that kind of guy who just sleeps around with girls for a good time, go right ahead. But don't think I'll be a part of it." She storms out.

"Well fuck." I groan and lay back on the bed. I'm alone at a party with a boner. Great.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is super long because I am so eager to write! All throughout the party last night I kept thinking about the next few chapters haha.

So thank you all for leaving comments! Let me know what you think so far!