There's No Turning Back

Via Text Message

A Few Weeks Later

"Mommy!" I heard little Annie call, running up to me with a box in her little hands, "Can we buy this?" she asked excitedly, as she held up the box for me to see. It was a Barbie toy car, complete with a doll and an extra outfit for Barbie.

"Of course we can," I smiled and looked around the store, pointing in a direction, "Go give it to David," I told her and watched as she ran off towards the direction I pointed at. I continued to look through the rack of clothes, picking out a few new school outfits for her.

"You done?" someone whispered over my shoulder, into my ear and I flinched, being caught by surprise. David grinned and stood next to me, facing my side as I flung a shirt at his head.

"You seriously have to stop doing that. When I get old, imma die because of a heart attack, and then you'll be to blame." I pointed at him, grabbing another shirt and then grabbing onto his hand, leading us to the cash register.

"Yeah, okay. Blame me for your death and then hold my hand." he rolled his eyes and stood in line, "You're such a liar. I'm starting to question whether you really like me or not." he crossed his arms across his chest as I gaped at him with my mouth slightly open.

I gasped, "How dare you call me a liar and question my love life."

"I have the right to."

"What gives you the right to?"

"I just naturally have it." he stuck his tongue out and I shook my head, looking around the store in search for Cheyenne and Annie. I spotted them in the far corner.

"I'm going over to my kids. That way, I don't have to be with someone who tries to stick their nose in my business." I stuck my tongue out, mocking him, and then turning on my heels.

I heard him scoff, "I am your business now." I tried to contain my giggles as I made my way over to the far, right corner.

After having lunch, we were back to roaming around the shopping center, just shopping and idly walking by. We were currently in a clothing store where most of the teenagers go; we were now letting Cheyenne choose a few new school outfits. It was nearing spring/summer anyways...

"Is that all you want?" I asked her as she handed my a sweater and a single box of shoes. She nodded happily as she skipped over to the end of the line, saving us a spot in line while David quickly picked out a shirt or two for himself. I went and stood behind her, holding the items in one arm and the other arm hung loosely by my side.

There was a tug on my shirt and I lowered my head to see Annie. I bent down to meet her eye level, "Can me and Chey go to the bear workshop?" she looked at me with pleading eyes and I chuckled, nodding. I stood back up, straight.

"You heard the little girl," I laughed at Cheyenne, "Just be careful."

"Okay." she replied, taking a hold of her younger sister's little hand.

"Take David with you if you need to," I said as they stepped out of line.

Cheyenne turned back at me, giving me a look, "Do you really think it'd be a good idea to take him there with us after what happened last time?" she chuckled, "And besides, it's only next door." she said and I sighed, giving in to her.

"Fine. Do you have your cell phone with you?"

"Like always."

"Alright, have fun." I gave both, her and Annie a kiss on the cheek before they left and David came over.

♥ - ♥ - ♥

"Have the girls ever come back in?" I turned to look at David, sliding the bag onto my forearm as he slipped his arm around my waist.

He shook his head, "No, I don't think. They're probably still next door." he said and led me out, turning to go into the Build-A-Bear Workshop next to us.

The place was filled with little kids; picking out their favorite stuffed animal skin, lining up to stuff it and wish on it's heart, then wandering around looking for the perfect outfit. I looked around for two brunette girls, one running around with her pigtails bouncing around. We did a little walk through the store but found no one. I was beginning to worry. I walked up to the front counter where a woman was kind enough to assist me right away.

"How may I help you?" she smiled, looking back and forth between David and I.

"Yeah; have you seen two brunette girls come in here? One's a little girl with high pigtails and the other one looks about a teenager." I described them to her, hoping that she had seen them.

She nodded, "They did come in but they left only a few moments ago."

"May I ask if you know which direction they went?"

"I think they went out that way," she pointed in a direction where David and I had previously come from.

I nodded, "Thank you." We walked out and I pulled out my phone and dialed a number on speed dial. The tone on the other line began ringing and ringing, on and on but no one answered; it went to the phone's voicemail.

I ground, agitated, "She's not picking up."

"Calm down," David said, rubbing his thumb over my arm in comfort, "Let's just walk around and look for them; they couldn't have gone that far." I nodded and we headed on our way.

Store after store, turns after turns, we searched the whole shopping center - even the food court - but they were no where in sight. By now, I was beyond worrying; I was near complete panic. "Where are they?!" I half screamed as David ran over to me from checking one last place across from the store I was standing in front of.

"I don't know!" David looked around, almost near a panic like I was.

Just then, I felt a vibrate and a beep coming from my purse. I unzipped my purse and pulled out my cell phone. I frowned at the text message sent by an unknown number.

"What is it?" David leaned over my shoulder, reading the message with me.

Behind an empty warehouse
Is where the girls are found.

I read it out loud, frowning more and more with each word read. How did they even get to a warehouse outside of the shopping center? But it's obvious now that someone had kidnapped them; otherwise, I would have never received such a message.

I looked up at David with tears brimming my eyes. In an instant, he grabbed my hand and dashed out towards his car.