

It was the day before the first day of school and Georgia came over to hang out again.
Greeted by the warm smell of chicken, I peered at the kitchen doorway. Mom was checking in the oven to see if the food was ready yet.


Without even looking at me, I could tell she had rolled her eyes. "Hannah, really, who says 'yo'?" She stands up and closes the oven. "You hang out with those boys too much."
I didn't quite consider Matthew and Lucas as boys but nevertheless, I grumbled a small "uh-huh" before announcing Georgia's visit.

Mom turns and looks at both of us, beaming at Georgia. "Nice to see you again, Georgia. Would you like something to drink?" she opens up the refridgerator, searching for anything. So far, my mom only approves Georgia as a friend of mine. Matthew and Lucas have been my friends ever since fourth grade and due to their immaturities and goofiness, my mother suspects them as both gay. My other friend, Sierra, however did drugs and smokes. So apparently Georgia, who looks at least normal to my mother eyes, was approved.

"We have orange juice, chocolate soy milk and bottled water..."

"I'm fine, thank y--"

"'Kayletsgobuhbyemum." I dragged Georgia away before mom would start talking again.
We reached my room and walked inside then closed the door after Georgia.

"Well, enter my domain."

I clambered over the piles of clothes, magazines and other trinkets that were all over the carpet.

"Sorry it's pretty messy today."

I watched, amused, as Georgia stumbled, making her way to my bed.

"So!" I said as I clapped my hands together. "Sit!"

"Uh, Okay-" She promptly sat down, somewhat awkwardly. She looked at my bed sheet that I put the other day. "Star Wars?" She laughed.

"Hell yes," I said proudly. "Star Wars bed sheets are much too stimulating to be compatible with a good night's sleep."

Turning on the radio, I then said, "You got your schedule?"

"Yup." She took out a folded piece of paper from her pocket and threw it to me. She spotted a poster of Justin Bieber lying nearby. She frowned disapprovingly. "You like this guy?"

I shook my head as I popped in a All Time Low CD, after giving up finding a station. "Heck no. My brother bought that for me as a joke." I rolled my eyes, unfolding Georgia's paper. "Wait till he comes back and sees him taped to the wall when he goes to shower."

Georgia laughed, putting the poster aside. Obviously not wanting to look at his face. "How old is your brother?"

I put the volume up once "Weightless" came on. "He's like... nineteen, I believe?" I pushed myself off the floor, almost stepping on a lego brick. Taking my schedule from the top of my dresser, I began comparing our classes. Georgia buried herself with one of my magazines. After a few minutes of silence, I declared, "So, we have periods two, three and ten together. Which are English, Biology and Drawing & Color. Okay, not bad."

"Drawing and color?" Georgia blinked. "Do you really just draw and color?"

Spotting a box of poptarts, I picked it up and peered inside. I offered her one. "I had it last year, too. You don't actually color. It's pretty boring. Here, it's s'mores."

"Thanks... and I'm glad to know I'm not the only All Time Low fan here," Georgia added as Break Your Little Heart came on.

"Please," I rolled my eyes again, tearing off the wrapper and taking a bite out of my poptart, "I'm obsessed. Not only with All Time Low."

The two of us then started talking about music, and I was pretty happy that I found someone who shared the same music taste as me. Usually people at school make fun of me for listening to "emo music". I don't recall "screamo" being "emo", though.

"I'm not into mainstream much," Georgia stated, finishing off her poptart. "There are alot of other bands out there who want to be known that are as good as All Time Low or something."

"Heh, the music today sucks. All about having sex and whatnot. And there's the whole lip-syncing and auto-tune. There are plenty of other real singers out there that can be huge, that deserve greater respect than those pop singers." I clucked my tounge. Then, another song of All Time Low popped up out of nowhere.

I'm calling, I'm calling at night I don't mean t--

Georgia took out her phone from her pocket and opened it. Reading the text, she sighed in dismay as she snapped her phone shut. "Gotta go. Oh, and before I face my mother's destructive wrath, do you have a Skype?"

"Why yes I do," I said happily.

Right before she left, we exchanged each other's Skype's. Never would I have guessed that two days later, I was given some exciting news.
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I was pretty nervous making this chapter. Of course, my writing doesn't compare with Lexi's but I'm glad to do collab with her. I'm really lazy with updating, so you guys have my permission so spam me. :)