Status: Go Drink Bleach; Give me some love ;)

Go Drink Bleach


So here, society is to blame for everything, I mean think about it people! They decide what is cool, and they decide what isn't cool. I mean, bull shit is what that is, and I don't care what society thinks, but here we are in the year 2010;

-Twelve year old girls are fucking fifteen year old guys.

-Ten year old's are talking about giving head, and hand-jobs.

-Fifteen year old girls are getting pregnant, and enjoying it.

-Guys are thinking that girls have to be skinny.

-Girls are having more eating disorders, to be skinny.

-People are spending thousands of dollars on top brand clothes.

-"Sex" is seen as something you can pick up off the street.

-Drugs and violence are getting into our schools.

-Being bi/gay/lesbian/pan-sexual is wrong, you HAVE to be straight or you will be excluded and picked on.

-Stupid ass music is telling younger girls and boys to go do whatever they want.

Just think about it though! Since when did bullying, and all that stupid shit become 'cool' or make you 'popular'?! It makes me sick to my stomach when I see things on the news like someone committed suicide because of assholes that don't know how to stay quiet.

It pisses me off, and it just wrong.

Agree or disagree, I don't give a fuck.

Comments are so welcomed; Bye.
Cracking my fingers, I read over the blog, then clicked POST and sat back for a moment. I was proud of myself, my blog had so many readers, and so many people agreed, a few people didn't agree but that just made my blog so much more popular, people disagreeing with me and all that jazz.

"Claire bear! Are you up there?!" my mothers voice sang through the attic like crystal.

"Yes mother, I will be down in a moment, just finishing up my paper, thanks again for letting me use your printer," quickly logging off of the two thousand and four Dell Desktop, I stood up and stretched out, making my clothes become somewhat straightened out again.

Skipping down the attic stairs, and into the kitchen, I saw my mother feeding my bug eyed baby girl, she cooed as she saw me enter, my mother looked at me and wrinkled her nose, she hated the way I dressed, typical of course, but oh well, "Claire? Dear, why don't you just wear a nice pair of jeans, that flare at the end and one of those nice pink tops that I bought you for Christmas!"

"Eh, thanks, but no thanks. I love my band shirts, and guy shirts, they are so comfy, and don't judge my jeans, hell I'm not even wearing any currently, I got my comfy yoga pants on. You just have to let me be myself. I'm sorry I'm not the perfect daughter you wanted. God," scooping my little girl up, I kissed her forehead, "Mama's little girl, so damn cute! I love you angel."

My father cleared his throat, "Can I hold my little princess before you have to go?"

"Sure papa, here you go," handing the small bundle, I watched as her face lit up, she loved her papa, she was always happy when she recognized the house we were going to. My little angel was the sweetest thing alive. Looking over at the clock, the time read four thirty, "Shit! Daddy, I gotta get going, I have a job interview at six, and I still have to shower and get ShayShay set up with Ellie! I love you both, see you next week," grabbing my bundle, I headed out to the car, and strapped her in quickly.


Straightening my hair to a crisp, straight edge, I sprayed the hell out of it, then continued with my bangs, which were pinned off to the side, with a few strands still setting out of the clipped off edge. Finishing off everything, from hair to makeup, I was just left with my outfit, which was tight skinny jeans, a dark black and a pair of nice converse, and a nice white dress shirt, "Ell, be honest. How do I look?"

"Woo baby! I'd bang you!" she threw her head back and cackled, my little girl whom was sitting on her lap, did the same thing, not knowing what was going on.

"Ha, good, well wish me luck, it is time to go off for my interview with Bob Evans, then Hot Topic, see you around.. Ten?" hugging my best friend, and kissing my baby's cheek. I stepped out of the apartment, and inhaled slowly.

Fuck, I hope this works out.
♠ ♠ ♠


Wanted to try.

Go drink bleach.