You Never Know What You're Gonna Get

"I just know we can."

The last day of high school, oh the joy of watching the people that you’ve been locked up with for the last 4 years and knowing that you’ll never have to see any of them ever again. I am completely fine with that, except I do have those that I love and I will miss. It will be hard to leave them for the summer, but we all promised that we will be strong.

I looked around the classroom, eyeing everyone who was socializing and screaming about summer and such. Then, the principal came over the intercom for the end of school countdown. He started all sentimental and mushy, saying “Staff and students… it has been an amazing year with you all. But it’s over. Aren’t we all thankful for that?” I could hear the laughs and shouts of the students around me agreeing with the principal. “Now it’s time for the count down! 5… 4… 3… 2…. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER EVERYONE!” Everyone stood up and screamed in delight. Everyone was hugging, and some people where even crying. It was like a scene out of fucking High School Musical.

I have to admit, graduating is a happy thing and so is summer but this is the end of my teenage life, and now I’m going to be on my own soon. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder before grabbing my phone and texting Tyler to meet me in the courtyard.

I saw him standing there, waiting for me. The slight warm breeze pushed his hair in front of his eyes and I tried to hold in my tears as I approached him. But all of my emotions where building up into a big knot in my stomach and released itself in tears. Tyler pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear “I love you Allison.” He gently pulled away gave me a slight smile but deep inside his dark eyes I could see hurt. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes, brushing my hair behind my ear. I could see a single tear run down his face as he said “Remember what we talked about. No sadness, only strength. We can last a long distance relationship babe, I just know we can.” He flashed his perfect smile and laughed, even though tears where still streaming down his cheek.

I pulled him closer to me, kissing his lips as if it’d be the last time I’d ever get to. We stopped kissing and I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me tight. I loved the warmth of his body against mine, making my heart race and my stomach flutter. God I’m going to miss the sound of his voice, the feeling of his touch, everything. Soon my best friend Jasmine walked up and Jake and I said our final goodbyes before Jasmine and I went to my house to finish my packing.

New York here I come.
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Okay, I'm not an amazing writer but I'm hoping to use this site to improve that. :)
