Status: Updates may be slow but i will update XD as long as i know ppls loves it and comment XD

Lustrous Dangers

Chapter 14.

Zacky’s P.O.V*

I walked into Vanessa’s room again after getting coffee for Sam who’d been crying since we both walked in over an hour ago. I never really understood just how close the girls were until the moment Sam seen Vanessa hooked up to all kinds of machines and broke down in the chair next to her best friends still body. It was weird though how Matt just ran out if that was my Sammy I wouldn’t leave her side till we were leaving the hospital together.
I sat down next to Sam’s still sleeping form seeing how she’d moved her chair next to the hospital bed to hold her friends hand and fall asleep with her head on the mattress. I fell into a deep thought and started to wonder why Matt had run out so quickly and didn’t stay with Nessa, it was really weird considering how into Nessa he was I mean whenever he was with us guys he wouldn’t shut up about her but now when she needed him most. I was still deep in thought when Sammy woke up and cuddled into me but when there was a knock on the door I snapped out of it and looked up only to see the deep blue eyes of Jimmy the drummer of our band and Nessa’s ex-boyfriend who she said well actually she more or less screamed that she never wanted to see him again…Sam stood up and started hitting him in the chest but Sammy was never a fighter because he just stood there basically only moving back a little bit to stabilize himself and I got up pulling her back behind me as she was saying very harsh words towards him but why wouldn’t she, the guy was the one that cheated on Nessa and didn’t seem to have a care in the world. I decided I better speak up an get him outta here no-one knew if Matt was gonna come back and after the incident Matt told us guys about at his house and Nessa flipping out and Matt punching him I didn’t want to find out how he might react if he saw Jimmy here…

“What the hell are you doing here man?”

I gave him a hard but curious look, hoping he would keep it together because I knew he may have had a valid reason to risk coming here after everything…

“I got told by Syn that Ness- uh I mean Vanessa was in hospital because of some freak wolf attack at the cinema or something and I had to come see that she was ok”

His eyes wondered over to Nessa’s still form where Sam had returned to her friends side and the look in his eyes you could see he still really had feelings for Nessa.

“Is she ok?”

“The doctors said she is stable but yet she won’t wake up its like she is waiting for something but we don’t know what… Sammy has been crying non-stop and it hurts me to see her like that but unless something happens or Nessa wakes up Sam is still gonna be this way...”

I wondered back over towards Sam who glared at Jimmy and I whispered for her to calm down that he was only concerned but she didn’t believe me…


“Sam you need to calm down ok, stop yelling you’re in the hospital”


Jimmy and I both left the room as Sam closed the door and I could hear her crying again. My heart panged at the sound of her sobs and it hurt to have her tell me she didn’t want me there. Jimmy and I Sat out in the corridor and about an hour later we were so bored we had started telling lame ass jokes when Matt had come around the corner and following him was surprisingly his aunt Willow… Matt had reached us and when he’d seen Jimmy he had him pinned against the wall so fast it was one of those scary rare moments when we see why he was the leader of our band and group because he was scary as fuck right now.

“What the FUCK are you doing here Rev?!”

“I came to see if Nessa was ok good to see you give two fucking shits, you didn’t even stay by her side, what’s the matter? Do you feel bad because it’s your entire fault or something?”

Matt was about to punch him when Willow had grabbed Matts free hand and simply looked at him. See it was weird; Willow had always been able to look at us yet say a thousand words. It use to really scare us as kids. Matt let go before turning to say something to Rev.

“Get out of here and never come near Nessa again got it!”

“Mathew! I don’t care that Jimmy hurt Vanessa by cheating on her, which I will be talking to you later Rev” she spoke to jimmy. “But he is here because he obviously cares and in honesty you really should have stayed with Nessa, what if she woke up? She would want you there. Now go see her I’m sure we can wait out here.”

That’s when I spoke up. But had to say aunt Willow because it’s just what we all called her out of respect because to us she really was like family…

“Not a good idea aunt Willow, my girlfriend and Nessa’s best friend Sam is in there and she is super pissed off because Rev showed up that’s why we are out here, she kicked us out thinking I was defending him or something I don’t know but it’s best we just wait out here.”

Willow thought it over for a moment or two as Matt glared at Rev and Rev lightly rubbed his neck from where he got strangled, then something clicked in her head and she told us to stay put after asking which room the girls were in and we told her, then she walked in and all three of us sat down waiting a few moments later an emotional Sammy came running out and flung herself on me kissing me and mumbling how sorry she was for going off but I didn’t care I was happy she was in my arms at least and not mad then aunt Willow came out and told Matt to go in as she went off and spoke to Rev. Matt hesitantly went in and a little while later after a little bit of yelling aunt Willow and Rev came back and sat down Sam had fallen asleep in my arms from exhaustion. Matt had still been in the room for more than 4 hours when aunt Willow went in to see what was happening. She came back out and asked us all to go in. I gently woke Sam up feeling tired myself and told her we were gonna go back in the room and she grumbled and curled back up into me so I smiled at her cuteness and carried her like a little girl into the room putting her on the long lounge in the room and sat down so my legs could be her pillow. It was gonna be a long wait and looking at Matt now I could see he had cried pretty hard when in the room alone with Nessa… by the looks of things Matt wasn’t going anywhere fast.

“Matt I’m gonna take Sammy home she needs some sleep call me if anything happens ok?”

Matt just nodded and aunt Willow speaks up, coming over to hug me goodbye.

“Have a safe trip home ok. Ring me when you get there ok?”

“Sure thing.”

Then I picked Sammy up and left after grabbing her hand bag.