
Yuu is not so easily forgotten.

Kouyou’s thoughts are, admittedly, a little hazy when he first wakes up. He blinks a few times as the sunlight blinds him, and he grumbles about the curtains being open as he shuts his eyes again and rubs his forehead, easing the headache he doesn’t remember having. He feels something heavy on his waist, and he sighs and reaches down for it, and he freezes as his hand rests on someone’s arm. Slowly, his eyes open, and he’s cursing every bottle of alcohol on the planet as the haze in his mind lingers, and he winces as he realizes that Jesus fucking Christ his lower half hurts.

He turns his head, slowly, and his gaze rests on the sleeping face of one of the most gorgeous men he’s ever seen in his life. Dark brows are curled together, and full lips are separated just slightly, allowing deep, even breaths to pass between them. The arm around him tightens as it registers with the man beside him that he’s moved, and – despite the hellish throbbing in his temple – Kouyou turns over to rest on his side, watching the man sleep. He bites his lip and whimpers a little as the arm presses against his lower back to pull him closer, and he shifts to adjust and winces as the ache in his ass reminds him that moving is a bad idea.

He watches as the man shifts and presses his cheek against the pillow, and he reaches out a hand to touch the man’s neck, shivering as he realizes how soft his skin is. He hears an appreciative sigh, and he smiles. Dark eyes open, and within them, Kouyou recognizes pure sin. He remembers flashes of the night before – of staring into those dark eyes or of those eyes staring up at him with a warm mouth around his cock – and a dull warmth laps appreciatively in his gut as the memory washes over his senses. The lips that he can now very clearly remember giving him a blowjob curl upward in recognition, and he can only shut his eyes and sigh as he’s greeted with a lazy kiss.

He struggles to remember the stranger’s name as his lips are coaxed open, and his brow furrows as a single name is tossed around in his thoughts – that name has been whispered to him, and he’s moaned that name, and he’s screamed it at the top of his fucking lungs. He pulls back, and automatically, their gazes lock, and Kouyou shivers as he remembers pure sin once more. Yuu. He whispers it, and the other man laughs breathily in recognition, smirking, and that brings more memories from behind the hazy cloud of his thoughts.

Yuu hovering over him, biting him, running his warm tongue over his abdomen, fucking him with him fingers and then fucking him with those incredible hips. Yuu with the hips of a god and the rough hands of the devil and good fucking God had he known how to make him moan. Yuu with the smooth, olive skin and enough strength in his toned arms to hold him down.

The dull warmth in his gut flares up in recognition, and Kouyou can only whimper and shift forward as fingers drift to his hips and squeeze. Smooth lips touch his, and goose bumps form on his skin, his body recognizing the touch that has allowed it to feel so much bliss. He groans sharply as lifting his leg irritates the ache in his lower half, but the warmth against his body makes up for it. He tastes cigarette smoke in their lazy kiss, and another memory makes itself known as the haze clears – Yuu with his sweat-slicked stomach, relaxing against the headboard, arm holding Kouyou to his side, holding a cigarette between his lips and teasing it with a lighter. Yuu chuckling, exhaling, and commending Kouyou on how much of an incredible fucking bottom he was.

Kouyou barely notices as Yuu shifts them and hovers above him, and he sighs as his lips are released and that full mouth is exploring his jaw, his neck, his collar bones. His hands slip up to rest on broad shoulders, and his leg bends and his thigh rubs lazily against Yuu’s waist.

Yuu lets out a breath of a chuckle against his skin, lips tenderly kissing his nipple, and then he gazes up at him, and he smiles.

“So eager already,” he says, and Kouyou half-scoffs, one of his hands slipping further upward to tangle in Yuu’s dark, sleep-tousled hair.

You bet.