Suburban Thrills

Perfect. Crazy. Funny. Amazing. Everything.

"Lilah. Lilah, wake up." I heard a voice softly whisper as my body started to shake. "Lilah, come on. I want to show you something."

I quickly recognized the voice as being Gabe's. Lately he's been waking me up quite early.

"Mmmmm....just a couple more minutes monkey face." I said as I rolled as far away from him as possible.

"No. Now. Come on." He said practically whining.

"Fine. But I'm not very happy with you." I said as I crawled out of my bunk dragging my blanket with me and wrapping it tightly around my half naked body. "Let me grab my cigarettes."

After I had my cigarettes in hand, we started walking outside. Right when I stepped into the warm Florida air, I kinda wished I didn't have this blanket wrapped around me.

"Come on. Lets watch the sun come up."

"Vous devez me charrier Gabe! Vous m'avez réveillé avant que le soleil s'est même levé! Je vous déteste!" I said in French before I even knew what I was saying.

"Wait what? I didn't know you spoke French."

"I said. 'You've got to be kidding me Gabe! You woke me up before the sun even came up! I hate you!'. And my moms French. She taught me when I was just a little kid."

"Oh, okay. Now bring your little French speaking butt over hear and lets watch the sun come up."

We layed on the roof of the bus for ten minutes before I fell asleep with my head resting on Gabe's chest.


"Awww, aren't they just adorable? Maybe they should date. They would make quite the cute couple." Someone muttered as they stood on top of the bus. "Wake up sleepy heads! We have show preparations. And guess what else! We're in Florida! There is no need for this blanket!"

The next thing I knew, I could feel a cool breeze on my skin that was previously covered, forcing me to open my eyes and try to find the person who stole my blanket.

"Oh, wow. Talk about scandalous!"

"William! I am going to murder you in your sleep with my freaking pinky if you don't give my my blanket back right now!"

"I dare you...haha. Did you two get your freak on?"

"No, for your information. We didn't. Where's my cigarettes?"

Ever since Jesse had called me, I had been smoking more and more, and sleeping and eating less and less. So far I don't think any of the guys have noticed, but I'm pretty sure that VickyT has cought on.


By the time everyone was ready, both bands were in the arena, helping set everything up for the show, while I sat on the bus, working on my article, and trying to figure out which pictures would be used for my final article.

I was so into my work, that when my CD stopped playing, I didn't even notice. I was sitting in the quiet for probably five minutes before my phone went off. I expected it to be Gabe or one of the guys, but it wasn't. It was my mom.

"Bonjour, maman....Je travaille mon article pendant que les gars s'établissent pour le spectacle ce soir....Il va grand .... pas je n'aime aucun des gars plus que les amis... Je sais que vous avez aimé la maman de Jesse .... pouvons-nous en parler plus tard ?... Je vous aime aussi, je m'appellerai comme bientôt je peux.... Au revoir maman." [[[Translation: Hello mom. I'm working on my article while the guys set up for the show tonight. It's going great. No I don't like any of the guys more than friends. I know you liked Jesse mom. Can we talk about this later? I love you too, I will call as soon I can. Bye mom.]]]

"Who was that?" VickyT asked as she walked onto the bus.

"My mom. She just wanted to know how I was doing."

"Oh cool. So hows the article going?

"Good. But I think I'm going to stop for today. I'm out of cigarettes. I'm going to go get some more, need anything?"

"No. But would you mind waiting for a moment so I can talk to you?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Well, I noticed that since the first movie night, you've seemed a little...different. Like something was bothering you. You've been smoking more, eating less, you're just not the same as you were at the beginning."

"Oh, well....everything's fine. I'm just a bit stressed out. But I'll get over it."

"It doesn't seem like it though. Will you just tell me whats wrong? I promise I wont tell anyone. Besides, you look like your anorexic."

"Do you really want to know whats wrong?! I am anorexic! I've suffered with it for many years, got over it, and then when this whole fucking Jesse thing came up, I've fallen back down into it! The only difference, is that it's easier to be now, than it was before!"

"Oh hunny. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. But I will help you, I promise. First, lets go get you those cigarettes, and some food. Subway sound good?" She said as she hugged my crying, limp body.

"Okay. But promise me you wont tell any of the guys."

"Don't worry. I got your back."


The rest of the day was spent ignoring anyones comments on how skinny I am, clearing my camera of pictures so there's more room for the show, and smoking.

After the show, we all went back to the bus, and ate some food. I managed to eat a little bit more of my Subway from earlier, but still couldn't manage to eat even half of the six inch. All of the guys had no clue what had happened earlier between VickyT and I, and I would like it to stay that way.

Later on, as everyone was started to calm down and just chill, Gabe asked me to come up to the roof of the bus with him again. He looked like something was bothering him.

Not long after we layed down, he pulled me close to his chest and hugged me tight.

"Whats wrong Gabe-eroni? You seem kind of sad?"

"Well...don't get mad when I tell you this...but I heard you and VickyT talking earlier. Before you went for Subway."

"What?! You heard that!!! God damnit Gabriel!"

"I'm so sorry Lilah. I just couldn't pretend like I didn't hear it! I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want to say anything. But now that I know I can't just stand by and not do anything."

"And why not?! It's not like I mean anything to you anyway! All I am is your photographer. When this tour is over, we're probably never going to talk again!"

"Don't say that! You mean more to me than anyone ever has!"

"No, you don't mean that! Take it back!"

"Why? Are you afraid of liking or possibly loving me back?! Do you think I'm going to hurt you like Jesse did!?"

"Gabe, you don't understand! You can have it all, anything and everything you want will be dropped at your feet. You don't need a girl like me to ruin that for you. You don't need to have your life ruined."

"You're right, I don't. And that's why you need to be with me. Because without you, my life is ruined."

"Gabe, ce n'est pas que facile, l'amour.[[[it's not that easy love]]] I can't just give you my heart.
I can barely even give you anything. Why me?"

"Because you' Perfect. Crazy. Funny. Amazing. Everything."

"No Gabe, I'm not. I'm a photographer who lives in an apartment in Chicago, that's anorexic and has nothing, at all."

"Well let me change that. Let me help you."

"It wont be easy, but if you're willing to try. We'll start tomorrow." I said as I climbed down the latter and walked back on the bus and into my bunk with my laptop. I immediately emailed Nikki about everything that had happened, and told her that the rent check will be coming in the mail soon.